Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Paviotti to Rigotti: "... do not talk about issues that do not know ..." Rigotti answers ... And it gives

publish the open letter sent by the parent company to the Mayor Alberto Rigotti Peter Paviotti. For some time now and urgently, the mayor calls Rigotti "not to deal with issues that do not know." Last time, on the subject on the city streets. Here is the full text Rigotti that sent the mayor ...

I do not want food controversy at low cost, but I am compelled to speak because my silence does not pass to an attitude of embarrassment, difficulty, or even worse, to surrender.

E 'for some time that Paviotti is in the City Council that the press asks me not to deal with issues which would not be aware of: "Councillor Rigotti ago and the accountant should not deal with issues that do not know. ... "(cf. Messaggero Veneto of 11/18/2010).

assertion serious and disrespectful not only to the signed, but also against those who, mayors or administrators simple, despite the obvious, natural and other professions that are in daily exercise, commit themselves with passion, dedication and continuity in political administration in the service of their communities .

by the arrows fired from Paviotti would seem that only he, surveyor by profession, will be the sole repository of knowledge to enable them to expand in every field of human knowledge preaches without embarrassment of any school, health, economy and budget planning, environment, culture, health ...

Paviotti But he insists: "Rigotti Cervignano little lives and do not know that every day long queues formed at the intersection of the round ..." (again, see Messaggero Veneto 18/11 / 2010).

It 's true: my job takes me out often Cervignano, but for this I realize the traffic that grips my town. And, in very difficult times, I formulated the proposal that the construction of roundabouts, with costs totally sustainable, would make traffic more fluid movement and less heavy. The proposal, in accordance with the rules of sound and prudent management of public resources. I remember that occasion, the wry smile of incassai Paviotti that now, after three and a half years, announced that as its own proposal.

Before the construction of huge and expensive road works, it would be appropriate to await the construction of roundabouts (five on the main Venice-Trieste) and see if they can solve the traffic problem.

Then, I confirm: my career takes me often "out of town." But as everyone knows, I do not live in policy. I earn my bread and cover with working hard (but also with invaluable satisfaction), tasks in sports (professional and amateur with the same enthusiasm), within the university, with collaborations with other mayors from the region ... I think, in all humility, to be able to put these experiences to serve the community in which, Paviotti like it or not, live, live and work.

Following these tired and repetitive utterances of the Mayor, on reflection, I found myself faced with two possible solutions: the resignation of municipal council or attendance at an evening class for the attainment of a diploma surveyor. After a brief reflection and without delay, I opted for the latter. Receive his diploma in geometry as well as become proficient in each administrative area, who knows, bring me some advantage ...

With best regards

Alberto Rigotti


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