Sunday, August 31, 2008

Much Does Plan B Cost Walmart Tn

The historical Jesus is not historical

With pleasure I present to you the first video of this blog! It 'taken from the chapter "Jesus Outside the Bible" the book Who Was Jesus, which will soon publish an Italian translation online. The video introduces the problem of historical sources on the life of Jesus, citing some of the greatest scholars of the New Testament (including Christians):

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Erection During Brazillian Waxing

Reading the Bible on TV

few days ago there appeared news that, from mid-September, RAI will dedicate 140 hours of reading the Bible in direct [1]. Personally, we do not find anything so strange or wrong.

consider the Bible text mythological and therefore of great cultural importance. Mythology is a work of intellect and imagination that expresses human culture, customs and traditions of the people, rituals and social behavior, and expresses the sense of morality and ethics rooted in a people. So the study of mythology, Christian, Roman, Greek, Egyptian or whatever, Basically it is to understand the nature of human behavior.

That said, the problem comes when you try to impose a particular mythology as Truth, and its precepts as divine precepts, and dogmatic indisputable. So I think that reading passages accurately selected as the Truth of the Bible sold out, without a critical and historical contextualization , is something quite harmful and should be avoided.

We'll see what happens.

--------- [1], 15838381.html

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Recommended Food With Herpes Zoster

Petition: Freedom 'for the world of bloggers

report here the link to a petition to secure freedom in the world of bloggers. As you know, after complaints of alleged defamation, were closed and confiscated entire blog without any criteria for the defense of freedom of expression.

people please read and sign the petition 'FREEDOM' to the world of bloggers': -of-blog /

Thanks :-)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Are Laser Sights Legal For Bow Hunting

Who was Jesus - the footsteps of Christ

Hello. I want to point out that in a few weeks the blog will publish the first part of the Italian translation of "Who Was Jesus - Fingerptints of the Christ."

The book is a summary of significant and well-documented problems of the New Testament and the figure of Jesus In presenting his thesis, the author (historical, archaeological and mitista) makes use of many influential and respected Christian sources, including containing apologists and scholars NT

The text provides:

- a summary of the history recounted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
- comparisons between the four gospels that reveal the many discrepancies and problems
- investigations on the problems of harmonization of texts and dating of the gospels
- present and analyze the prophecies of the coming of Christ found in VT
- provides the reasons why many people believe different things about Jesus - and why many do not trust him at all
- apologies to discuss the many criticisms of
Gospel story - debating whether the Gospels represent history or propaganda

I know this is a fundamental text that every person who is said believer should read and study it carefully.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Effect Of Head Scissors

The Gospels are the infallible Word of God?

Many Christians, as they have been taught the catechism, are convinced that the current translations of the New Testament are "error free" and bring back the infallible Word of God Christian scholars and apologists of around the world and of all time are aware of the fact that no one owns the original manuscripts of the NT and that the earliest Greek manuscripts we possess differ tremendously. In this regard, the influential Catholic Encyclopedia says:

E 'has been estimated that these MSS [manuscripts] and quotations differ among themselves between 150,000 and 250,000 times. The full picture is, perhaps, much higher. A study of 150 Greek MSS of the Gospel of Luke has revealed more than 30,000 different readings ... It can be said with certainty that there is a phrase in the NT on which the MS tradition is wholly uniform . (* 1)

These differences range from differences in terminology in steps missing in some manuscripts and other added or significantly different from manuscript to manuscript. These differences are due all'imperizia, dishonesty and naivety of the early Christian copyists and scribes that we assume the right to "correct" the Word of God [ blasphemy! ], adding ideas and changing the steps and told to comply with their own idea of \u200b\u200bJesus and their worldview. As the Christian scholar Ehrman says, " copies full of errors were in turn copied, and copies of copies full of errors were copied, and so on, until today ." (* 2) This

practice by the Christian scribes to alter or falsify the texts that came into his hands is well known and even documented by a comment that is in the Codex Vaticanus, one of the oldest and most complete Greek manuscripts of the NT This comment by a scribe, probably addressed to a previous medieval scribe who edited the copy in question reads as follows:

" fool and villain! Let the old reading, do not change it! "

" ἀμαθέστατε καὶ κακέ, ἄφες τὸν παλαιόν, μὴ μεταποίει (* 3)

The comment seems quite eloquent and a witness situation is quite embarrassing. As observed by the Murdock in Who Was Jesus - Fingerprints of the Christ (p. 57):

If these Gospels are very reliable reporting of the events of Jesus 'life, why Jesus' words vary from one source to another? The exact words of the Lord, should not be cited literally? Why the Lord's Prayer, for example, differs from gospel to another, and from manuscript to manuscript? It would not be sensible for the Lord, as the Holy Spirit, refresh the memory of his disciples to contain his exact words? If these are the precious words of Almighty God, as it may have been changed? And why? For if God had made mistakes in his original statements and therefore had to correct them later? What sense would the Holy Spirit to guide the important efforts of those who recorded the life of the Lord, if his speeches were not to be verbatim? In other words, what is the purpose of the Holy Spirit than to correct the errors? And if these records are not verbatim transcript, how can that be called "infallible"?

It 'true that the apologists, over the centuries, many have sought to overcome these contradictions by developing a process called "harmonization . The problem is that their arguments often seem far-fetched, if not dishonest or extravagant.

In light of these facts, how can you honestly say that the NT is the infallible Word of God?


(1) Quoted by DM Murdock inWho Was Jesus - Fingerprints of the Christ, p. .

48 (2) Ehrman, Misquoting Jesus, p..

69 (3) Wikipedia,

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jenna Jameson Wax Has Nipples

Jesus in Jesus as historical accounts


also highlighted by ZEITGEIST, no historian / writer contemporary with Jesus makes only one reference to his figure (1) This fact is very strange and unreasonable, especially since the Gospel is continual reference to "neutral" and "multitudes" who would follow Jesus and witnessed his many miracles. It is also said repeatedly that his fame was widespread and that he was known everywhere. Yet, despite all historical NO of his time felt the need to mention even remotely in his works the most important figure in the history of man, the son of God, miracle worker and brings the Word God the Father.

Testimonials not contemporaneous

The first historical mentions of Jesus relate to very small steps found in Josephus (c.37 - 100 AD), Pliny the Younger (c. 111-113 AD ), Suetonius (110 AD) and Tacitus (107 -116 AD). First, we must make two important points regarding these steps:

  • the authors are not contemporary with Jesus and then, at most, show traditions and tales of second-hand rather than events seen with his own eyes;

  • even if these steps were genuine, would prove as the existence of a historical Jesus, but do not prove the historicity of the Gospel story, in particular they do not speak of miracles' report details the teachings of the most important men of history

addition, many scholars and critics say that some of these steps are counterfeit Christians or by the scribes of the Church Fathers.

Testimonium Flavianum

For example, as regards the so-called "Testimonium Flavianum" , that the passage in which Josephus speaks of Christ, the scholar Solomon Zeitlin believes that this is a forgery of the fourth century by Eusebio (2). The main motivation for considering this is a false step that appears for the first time in the fourth century mentioned by Eusebius himself, while it seems that the earlier church fathers were not completely aware of. For example, Origiene (c. 185-254 AD) was familiar with the works of Josephus and yet did not quote this passage and never even complained that the town did not consider Jesus as the Christ! (3) addition, the language used in some parts of the passage seems to come from the pen of the historian Josephus. For further details, see the article by Zeitlin, "The Christ Passage in Josephus " ( ).

Tacitus: a fake of the fourteenth century?

Something similar can be done about the pace of Tacitus. It appears for the first time in the fourteenth century, and no church father mentioned it before. This is very strange, because the church fathers knew very well and Tacitus certainly would have brought up if he had written something relevant about Christ. But no one says anything until, magically, this step makes its appearance in the fourteenth century. In any event, a bit 'late to be sure of its authenticity. What's more, the pitch does not seem to be written in the style refined typical of the works of Tacitus. For a more detailed discussion, refer to "Who Was Jesus - Fingerprints of the Christ."


The passages referred to by Suetonius hear the apologists Cristina to confirm the historicity of Jesus is contained in the Life of Claudius (c. 113 AD) and is as follows:

" Since the Jews, instigated by ridges, constantly causing the riots. "

The problem with this step is probably not in any way relates to Jesus Christ. " Cresto " was a very common name at the time, which is not equivalent, as erroneously say the apologists, the term "Christos" or Christ. So, this Chrestos could be anyone, but it is unlikely that Suetonius could ever settle the most important man in history in such a tiny phrase from the small historical value.

Pliny the Younger

As for Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia, apologists take as evidence of the fact that Christ in his letter requesting help to counter- Christiani " . At most, what you can see from this letter is that there was a movement known as "Christian" at a time when Pliny was governor in Bithynia, ie 111-113 AD However, we do not know and never will know if he was referring to Christians as followers of Jesus Christ, even if it was, this late testimony does not prove the existence of a certain man named Jesus, the son of God and miracle worker overtime.


This I have proposed is only a summary of the matter, which can be found widely traded in the works of Christian apologists and historians. In particular, the archaeologist and historian DM Murdock in a chapter of his book "Who Was Jesus - Fingerprints of the Christ "deals extensively with the issue, showing all the steps also" implicated "and discussions of the scholars on them.

----------------------------------------------- ---

1. For a list of 23 historical / literary contemporaries to Jesus refer to "Who-Was Jesus Fingerprints of the Christ", pg. 85

2. The Christ Passage in Josephus' -

3. Origen, Contra Celsus I, 47

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yamaha Psr Indian Styles

Solar Myth - an idea of \u200b\u200bour time?

I read around the sites of so-called "debunkers" ZEITGEIST of the idea that Jesus is a remake of solar myths date back to pre-Christian our time and would never have been made by anyone before a few centuries ago.

This statement is incorrect and, as we are now accustomed to, dishonest. The idea that the story of Jesus Christ had many points of contact with the pre-Christian myths is to be dated to the first centuries after Christ's coming. The witness' claims the fathers of the Church. I here are a few, so for the record and not be accused of inventing theories out of whole cloth:

" And when we say also that the Word, the first thing created by God, was produced without sexual union, and that Him, Jesus Christ, our Teacher, was crucified, died, resources, and ascended into heaven, we are not proposing anything different from what you think about those who rated the children of Jupiter . "

Justin Martyr (c. 150 AD)

" Religion which he proclaimed to all nations it was not 'new one' Strana . "

Bishop Eusebius (265 - c. 340)

" in what is now called the Christian religion existed in atic and was never absent from the start of the race until Christ came in human flesh. Then the true religion which already existed, began to be called Christian. "

Augustine, Retractions (I, xiii)

One could continue with many quotes from this or type, all from the early church fathers and dated to the first centuries after Christ. If there are other, more of the fathers of the Church, addressed to the nascent Christian heretical sects that had clearly recognized Jesus as a sun god.

Among other things, in response to those who ask for evidence and findings indicating the strange likeness of Christian worship, especially in the beginning, with the Egyptian, ripotro some pictures:

picture of the Nativity in Luxor

(c. 1500 BC)

"In this picture we see the Annunciation, the Conception, Birth and Adoration as described in the first and second chapter of Luke's Gospel, and since we are certain that the historical chapters of the Gospel of Matthew concerning the miraculous birth of Jesus is a later addition not present in the earliest manuscripts, it seems likely that these two poetical chapters in Luke may also be non-historical, and borrowed from the tales of the miraculous birth of their Egyptian king . "

Dr. C. Samuel Sharpe, Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity (19)

(For a more detailed analysis -> )

find differences

(Statue of Horus with his mother Isis, painting of Jesus with his mother Mary)
(Isis with her son Horus, Mary with the child Jesus) Jesus = Sun

(Irish monks who worship the Sun - image taken from a conference of Acharya S)

(Cathedral of Koln)

Especially the first Christian churches are full of pictures of this kind in which Jesus is clearly identified with the Sun, demonstrating further that at the beginning of the creation of the myth was well known to the solar nature of Jesus

Low Cervix Could I Be Pregnant

Jesus was not born on December 25

Among the most ridiculous arguments I've heard coming from the mouth of dishonest apologists and surely in bad faith is the argument that the parallel emergence of many deities December 25 does not hold. The argument is as follows:

"It is true that Jesus was born Dec. 25, is celebrated on that date because that date was celebrated the pagan festival of the sun"

This, at any rate, confirm exactly the argument that Christian worship has been built over time with the specific goal of "usurp" the other religions so popular. So, this argument over liquid-only, supports the main thesis of conspiracy.

The date of December 25 is associated with the birth of all solar deities and therefore also of Jesus Christ, which is just another sun god.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How Fireplace Heat Exchanger Works

The first part of Zeitgeist repudiated?

Since the Zeitgeist movie websites have been brought to light some remarkable similarities between the pre-Christian religions and cults and Christianity, on the internet has unleashed a violeta reactionary protest with the objective of ridiculing and popularize the claims of the film. Many of these critics

/ ridiculed were based on information from the film, they tried their encyclopedias, and are not reflected, happily concluded that it is a farce. Then we go have not bothered to check the sources - strange, since they are well documented - to see if the new "findings" and theories have a foundation. Many of them have not read "The Christ Conspiracy," "Suns of God" and "Who Was Jesus?" Acharya S. If they had, they would have noticed that most of the parallels between religions highlighted by Zeitgeist have a foundation and are supported by archaeological evidence and even statements of the early church fathers.

The main argument of these improvised apolegeti seems to be: "Because I do not find these things in encyclopedias and as these things go against the one in which mankind has always believed and above all go against what I believe I then have to be wrong regardless. " History has shown that such assumptions are mostly wrong. It was believed that the Sun revolved intor the Earth, and it was believed for many centuries and most of the scholars agreed. When Galileo expounded his thesis, he was ridiculed, vileggiato dismantled with dishonest arguments, and finally forced to recant. However, we know, was absolutely right.

And it's always like this: every time you call into question the assumptions considered for a long time inevitably incur the criticism from conservatives and fundamentalists who want people to turn off your brain, stop thinking and believe in doctrines mummified, old, worn out and totally anachronistic. Fortunately, knowledge is never in this kind of people but by the free spirits.

In my next post, I will carefully examine in detail the criticisms of the first part of the Zeitgeist to demonstrate how, beyond a few errors, fundamental assertions remain valid.

Until next time,
Antaryoga D

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Best Butterfly Knife Trainer

born "in the name of Reason" ... Virgin Birth?!?

Greetings to all from Antaryoga D! Finally
I decided to start this blog on religious subjects. I'm an atheist in the sense that I do not think any of the gods produced by men throughout history. Recently I happened to find interesting work in Acharya S, in particular, "The Christ Conspiracy" and "Who Was Jesus?".

Acharya S aka DM Murdock literature, is a scholar, linguist, archaeologist and expert in comparative mythology. This is his blog ->, let us jump. In his work, setting out the result of research conducted in the field of comparative mythology and the origins of religions. In "The Christ Conspiracy" presents a view, widely supported by the facts, that the Christian religion is founded originally as a collage of previous myths and mystical themes brought together in one big cult following and imposed by force by the establishment of the Roman time.

This blog will publish translations into Italian of the most interesting articles on his site, along with other material on the beliefs more curious and less scientific fonamento where I'll come across.

Antaryoga D