Greetings to all from Antaryoga D! Finally
I decided to start this blog on religious subjects. I'm an atheist in the sense that I do not think any of the gods produced by men throughout history. Recently I happened to find interesting work in Acharya S, in particular, "The Christ Conspiracy" and "Who Was Jesus?".
Acharya S aka DM Murdock literature, is a scholar, linguist, archaeologist and expert in comparative mythology. This is his blog ->, let us jump. In his work, setting out the result of research conducted in the field of comparative mythology and the origins of religions. In "The Christ Conspiracy" presents a view, widely supported by the facts, that the Christian religion is founded originally as a collage of previous myths and mystical themes brought together in one big cult following and imposed by force by the establishment of the Roman time.
This blog will publish translations into Italian of the most interesting articles on his site, along with other material on the beliefs more curious and less scientific fonamento where I'll come across.
Antaryoga D

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