I read around the sites of so-called "debunkers" ZEITGEIST of the idea that Jesus is a remake of solar myths date back to pre-Christian our time and would never have been made by anyone before a few centuries ago.
This statement is incorrect and, as we are now accustomed to, dishonest. The idea that the story of Jesus Christ had many points of contact with the pre-Christian myths is to be dated to the first centuries after Christ's coming. The witness' claims the fathers of the Church. I here are a few, so for the record and not be accused of inventing theories out of whole cloth:
" And when we say also that the Word, the first thing created by God, was produced without sexual union, and that Him, Jesus Christ, our Teacher, was crucified, died, resources, and ascended into heaven, we are not proposing anything different from what you think about those who rated the children of Jupiter . "
" Religion which he proclaimed to all nations it was not 'new one' Strana . "
" in what is now called the Christian religion existed in atic and was never absent from the start of the race until Christ came in human flesh. Then the true religion which already existed, began to be called Christian. "
Among other things, in response to those who ask for evidence and findings indicating the strange likeness of Christian worship, especially in the beginning, with the Egyptian, ripotro some pictures:
"In this picture we see the Annunciation, the Conception, Birth and Adoration as described in the first and second chapter of Luke's Gospel, and since we are certain that the historical chapters of the Gospel of Matthew concerning the miraculous birth of Jesus is a later addition not present in the earliest manuscripts, it seems likely that these two poetical chapters in Luke may also be non-historical, and borrowed from the tales of the miraculous birth of their Egyptian king . "
Dr. C. Samuel Sharpe, Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity (19)
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