Monday, October 19, 2009

What Is The Best Browser For Windows

technicalities second sub specie anglica



The documents produced by networks, and RMA Running is a very frequent use of terms and expressions of Anglo-Saxon derivation.

in Italian companies, in fact, this habit is widespread.

Follow up, recall, business support (from to support ) team, gap, briefings, feedback , are terms that we use currently, of which - for the mere fact of working in an office and not in the fields, in the open air a hoe in hand (and so we would have to gain) - can not do without.

In linguistics, many studies have in-depth analysis of perception and social prestige of scientific and technical terms, and it was noted that the sub-codes have filled the void that was created in the history of contemporary repertoire, as a result of the decline into which the model of literary language for centuries variety of prestige and unquestioned standard of written language (cf. ).

One might add that often, the excessive use of English words in Italian companies, also aims to fill the cultural void of some manager (here in fact) or would such. But this is not the case.

For the purposes of job I was asked to play, it seems useful to trace a stylistic solution that does not require a radical change in the language we all use every day, but at the same time identifying a series of good practice (and not best practices ) language, at least in written documents, addressed to an audience outside.

doing some 'research around the net, I discovered that you can trace (cited) "three levels of coexistence between the Italians and the corresponding anglicisms:

1. The first level we could call for peaceful coexistence, where the two terms coexist or less equal;
(this is understandable: do not forget that in the written language there is the need for using synonyms more frequently than they do in spoken language, the use of an English word often has this feature, eg . manager / manager)

2. the second sees the prevalence of English on the Italian solution, without a rationale clear: this is the prevailing behavior in the press which tends to favor the Anglican;
(in our case, it might make sense as they often treat themes agenda of the media system)

3. The third level sees the almost absolute dell'anglicismo, due to the absence or lack of feasibility of the alternative Italian. "
(but is really so, or we just lazy?)

Based on these few items you might begin a discussion on the use of technicalities sub specie anglica we use in the drafting of the documents of the Group.

I extrapolated from documents of networks and RMA Running 35 English words and expressions that carry over in any order.

I wonder which ones to keep and what to delete without question? which can translate ?

agenda setting 2.
desk 3.
target 4.
team building 5. grassroot
rumors 7.
redirect 8. networking
9. corporate
10. output
11. feeling
12. affairs
13. concept
14. decision makers
15. opinion leaders
16. public speaking
17. lobbying
18. focus group
19. governance
20. one-to-one
post 22. street-poll
23. ghost writing
24. public
25. stakeholders
26. speaking opportunities
27. position paper
28. leadership
29. net reputation
30. field
31. relations
32. viral
33. testimonial
34. trend
35. issue

Interview with Tullio De Mauro
The anglicisms? No problem, my dear

Patton Boggs


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