Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Twisted Bowels In Newborns


1. agenda setting
The English word "agenda setting" identifies a sociological theory.

Usually, however, the term is used to indicate the activities setting the agenda of a subject, within a strategic communication plan, or the meaning of put on the agenda sensitive issues and relevant to the achievement of a goal.

Unless you want to make explicit reference to sociological theory, I would say that in this case the use of Italian is more effective and less ambiguous. At the risk of having to go into the clutches of a paraphrase.

The use of a longer articulated, made of subject, typical of written, not to be avoided at all costs. In some cases it may be sensible to put three lines to a concept, in order to realize the complexity that characterizes it. Not that everything is simple and easy.

2. desk
analysis "desk" (literally on the table ) is opposed to analysis "field" ( field) and stands for the collection of relevant documentation to the formation of a background (here's another one) and theoretical rationale for a project plan, to think about and develop survey instruments for the research phase itself ( field fact).

Again we face in terms of sectors, difficult to understand for the layman. Since these two categories include a range of activities to cascade, it may be better to refer directly to them. At the moment I do not recall an effective translation.

3. target
Time now in common use, I do not think anyone shocked. I still think that the translation would be too cumbersome: section of the public to which it is a communication strategy ... Target
the earthen.

team building team building??

5. grassroot
I realize that sometimes it's all a matter of taste: I would keep grassroots, I like it, is evocative, even poetic. Actually is a term rarely used outside the world of lobbying and marketing driven, and the translation is not easy. Discarding the grass roots, for the moment suggest timidly consensus at the base ...

6. rumors rumors

7. I think she redirects
indicating a link ...

networking "networking", often used in the phrase "relationship networking" that emphasizes a more intimate connection than just skills and resources to achieving a goal, but instead refers to the idea of \u200b\u200bwider social understanding as mutual exchange, solidarity and sustainability. Or not?

9. corporate
"Corporate" is a word that surrounds and includes, wants to describe a harmonious and integrated system in which the party is reflected in everything, and everything in the part. "Corporate" is a term Zen.
Take for example "corporate identity", in Italian it would corporate identity, very simply. In this case, the Anglo-Saxon term in turn derives from the Latin, it is perhaps for this reason that we Roman Catholics is particularly evocative ( In corpore Christi ...)
To translate our language in the sense of completeness that gives "corporate" in English, we could not help but change our perception of the Italian word "business" and therefore the concept of the company, as it is understood comunement.
For example, according to the Civil Code (art. 2555), the company is "A group of assets held by the contractor to an end by the performance of economic activity."
Well, if that's what we all think when we hear this term, I'd say we're pretty far from the concept expressed by the term "corporate". Better to use English.

10. Result output

feeling ...

12. affairs
"Lobbying and public affairs" (or "lobbying" and "public affairs"?)
Media affairs "
I would say that would be really hard not to use it ...

Trivia: In BGR (which I analyzed the site) the business that deals with institutional relations, is called "Government Affairs"

13. concept
Idea basic strategic idea

14. decision makers
makers, and should specify, public

15. More opinion leaders
that reference wikipedia, I do not know ...

16. public speaking Public speaking

17. lobbying
Institutional Relations, pressure, influence

18. focus group
not translatable

19. governance
under construction

20. one-to-one
one by one

21. post
A post is a post, and this is a post.

22. street-poll
street interviews

23. ghost writing
Again, there is little you can do ...

Trivia: on wikipedia it says that in the past in the Italian political ghost writer was called "scorreggetta! I wonder if it is true, the network I have not found other references about ...

24. public

25. stakeholders
Subjects stakeholders

26. speaking opportunities
periphrasis: all the opportunities that a person has to speak publicly about sensitive issues that are relevant to the strategic goal it intends to pursue.

27. position paper
typical instrument of interest representation, also known as "point of view paper"

28. Although leadership
untranslatable, I now term this causes nausea and vomiting. In addition to significant I think is the meaning that must be avoided thoroughly.

29. net reputation
Reputation network

30. field

Compared to "desk" (see above) is easily translatable field

31. relations

viral Viral and ...

33. Testimonial testimonial

is common, but "endorsement"?

34. trend
trend, orientation, status, movement, progress, development, evolution, development, process, Address

35. issue
Theme, thematic


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