Monday, August 30, 2010

Broken Capillaries Face Toddler

Track: lane?

18.04 hours of Monday, August 30, 2010. Take the bike path that takes you from the capital towards the villages of Muscles and Strassoldo ...
Warning: Before you take the short trip, you should double-check the brakes of your bike ... as well as your reflexes. It is your safety.
Stop ...
Go home and do like us. Take pen and paper (or mouse and e-mail addresses). Write to the Province (center) and the City (center) ...
Do the same evening. We have written like this:

Dear Province of Udine
Dear City of Cervignano del Friuli

Cervignano del Friuli, there Aug. 30, 2010

Please note that the bike path in the stretch indicated in item (widely used, even if not proven, by the way, why? -), in many places it is impracticable for the thick vegetation that obstructs the path.
Attached photos (sufficiently eloquent).
In order to avoid having rebound of responsibility, calling on the Government to intervene to address as soon as possible with the way in which they themselves see fit.
With best regards.

Close the bag, pocketed and wait. Who knows, maybe someone (from the right or left) Do not buy a lawnmower ...
The Altrametà


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