"... Since that act in the public street facing the property (his property, ed) was carried out with the conduct of black water (...) connected to the centralized sewage San Giorgio di Nogaro, have been carried out on wells for connection to the sewer system until the limit of property, (...) according to art. 5, c. 6 of the Drainage Regulations, it is that within 3 months (...) must be submitted in connection (...) and the completion of the connection must be made within 2 years from the issuance of the opinion (of the Laguna Wastewater Association). " In Failure to comply with specific ordinances the City Council will intervene.
is up to us, the Tubone.

But the mayor, concerned about the tone "imperative" of the letter sent by Tubone, is careful to attach a letter-to reassure the community that wants (or at least try to) the 800 cervignanesi that will dip into their portfolio. Let us see what he says: "Dear citizens I write this letter to accompany and explain the notification ..." . Dear Paviotti, notification is clear and we understood the content immediately: within 3 months must apply for connection and within two years you have to finish the work. Otherwise the City will intervene with its order. The letter of Mayor, serpentine, traces some of the stages of age-old story, cites articles of the Law, the judgments of the Supreme Court. Then in the second half of the letter, anticipates three possible questions: "By when should I do?" As we had not yet understood, explains the demand for 3 months and 2 years for the completion of the works ... otherwise it must intervene with a special order of the City. We understand. Paviotti, we understand.
But perhaps more interesting question is the third (it seems that questioning itself Paviotti): "Why should I do now?" and ventures into personal interpretations citing regulations now that would make "inescapable obligation of the connections." goes on to say (be careful, because this is a very important step): "... recall that in this regard in the past expressed support for myself I had the opportunity to not require an immediate execution (...) to avoid a substantial cost even for families. "
Think about those words " ... to avoid a significant cost for families .... "
1) If the cost was relevant then, it will be even more relevant today. O considers Mr. Mayor, that the costs are somewhat reduced over time? Or maybe it feels, the mayor, that the best time to ask this further heavy sacrifice, and today, with many families already devastated by the effects of an unprecedented economic crisis?
And now, dear readers, we salute you with a question (and answer).
know when it was removed the provision contained in legislation. 6 (one of the 258 €)? On October 2, 2009, just over a year ago. But only today Tubone sends out letters with the requirement of connection.
E Paviotti innocently asks "Why should I do now?".
Bravo, they ask us too.
The Altrametà