Remember the million dollar expenditure for the upgrading of the car park off Federal property? Do you remember the intent to eliminate the congestion of school buses from transit Via Leonardo da Vinci (the middle school in Via Udine?). Do you remember all the proclamations of the Executive, in the aftermath of this revolution? But then, remember the history of the school to which children should always be accompanied and taken from an adult (or you hear hear-speak-of abandonment of a minor?). Well whisk it all together, heat over low heat and ... these are the results.

1) Just to improve traffic flow (as advocated by this Government), every morning the entrance to Via L. da Vinci ban with a nice fence adjoining the road closes to traffic from 7.45 to 8.15 and then from 12.45 to 13.15 (at all, even to residents). The school bus arrived at around 08.00 am, in perfect solitude, unload students in front of the entrance gate of the school. The students, down from a port ( the school) and come to school using vacuum (virtually) all corridors that are seen retractable airports. A magic number. There is no abandonment of a minor.

2) When they leave, however (at around 13.00), despite Via L. Da Vinci always remain closed (including residents), students walking along (alone!-Hear-hear) the distance that separates them from school to park in Via Public Domain. Alone. Without net and unaccompanied. But excuse me ... and the abandonment of a minor? Second magic. Some municipal office (one, actually) has assured us in that case (the guys who leave the school alone, perhaps to head for somewhere ...) you do not configure the cases of child abandonment. Commonly translated: "So we are right: after all, who cares cce?".

3) But let's move on. Once accessed via State Property, climb on the school (by themselves) begin the journey back home, but to stop, or there is someone to receive them (a parent, friend, relative, an uncle of America ...) or remains on the school bus. Recluse. Three magic? No, great hold for a ride. He, who a few minutes the first had done alone (alone !!!), unaccompanied, the distance that exists between middle school and park in via Federal property, now can not get off the school bus if there is someone waiting for him. And maybe his house is there, in front of you.
One of our observant reader who alerted us to the curious (or pity?) Each other, you and asks: "We spent a lot of money, arguing, among other reasons, public that this work would have finally solved the problem of traffic around Via Udine in connection to entry / exit students from the schools, and now ... now tell us that there is the problem of child abandonment. It was not logical to think about first? And the roads, paradoxically, is deteriorated. Congratulations.
The Altrametà
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