Saturday, October 16, 2010

Does Syphilischancre Become Black

Crematorium. But we really need? Rigotti wrote to the mayors of cervignanese.

Here is the full text of the letter from our parent company, Alberto Rigotti, the mayors of the association between local cervignanese on the crematorium ... Mayor

Mario Piscitelli Romulus

at Municipal

Piazza Municipio, 1

33059 Villa Vicentina (UD) Mayor

Ennio Scridel

at Municipal

Via Gramsci, 8

FIUMICELLO 33050 (UD) Mayor

Palmina Mian

at Municipal

via Mosettig, 2

RUDA 33050 (UD) Mayor

Michele Tibaldi

at Municipal

away June 2, 22

THIRD 33,050 of Aquileia (UD) Mayor

Alviano Scarel

Town Hall

Piazza Garibaldi, 7

33051 Aquileia (UD) Mayor

Giovanni Luigi Cumin

at Municipal

Independence Square, 2

33040 CAMPOLONGO Tapogliano (UD) Mayor

Peter Paviotti

at Municipal

Independence Square, 1


Cervignano del Friuli, October 14, 2010 there

Preg.issimi First Citizens Association Inter Cervignanese,

let me write and discomfort to express my concern and not deny it, all my disappointment, the way the story of the building (? !) crematorium was handled and managed in particular by the Mayor of my community, geom. Peter Paviotti.

For months all we heard and understood (even the citizens of muscles that have participated in midsummer evening meeting) that the future crematorium should cost less than EUR 1 million, money that comes to about 80% from the coffers of the region and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bfrom that of common Inter-Association.

Not even 15 days ago, the city council in Cervignano del Friuli, the second surprise. Paviotti The mayor, who presented the plan to the Council for approval, he spoke of an investment of € 3 million to develop a draft project financing does not currently exist (?!??), Paviotti always says so, private stakeholders in the initiative.

The first surprise was already consumed in the days prior to the City Council, analyzing the documents by which the Administration Paviotti brought to the Council the draft of the crematorium. The documents take account of data analysis very old (at least 10 years), there is a shred of current analysis, does not take into account "relevant market", there are no numbers, in fact there is nothing that allows a public administrator to make choices in the interest and good of the community it represents. Without going into the merits of the then criteria for choosing the site ... one for all: the proximity of the hospital crematorium Palmanova (sic ?!?!).

I am writing to ask, very simply, some questions:

  • the our communities really need a crematorium?
  • but the crematorium will cost € 844 000 € or 3 million?
  • all together when you asked for the contribution to the Region FVG imagined a crematorium to be 3 million or € 844 000 and above the Friuli Venezia Giulia and asked what was said?
  • is true that there was a private agreement (with the "blessing" of the Regional Council and the then Regional Minister Travanut Mauro Franco Iacop) which provided for the construction of the crematorium in the town of San Lorenzo rivulet and the election of a new mayor of that community has meant that the construction site was located in the town of Cervignano del Friuli?
  • believe that a new crematorium in Cervignano del Friuli is a good investment in the sense that economic management can not produce at least loss of balance?

And when you answer, please also listen to my heartfelt invitation. Today the crematorium is not a priority and is not supporting the initiative in terms of purely economic . I know that most of you first citizens to whom I am paying, politically you're not part of my deployment, but the more why you should appreciate and take into account that it is my appeal to you face, now that the mayor of my community is deaf to every call and runs for some time now that roads have nothing to do with the general interest of the community and its citizens.

I think all together with the Region, and this is my total commitment, we seek to address the contribution already being allocated to build the crematorium to initiatives that truly cater to our community, I decided to develop bike lanes, I think to investment in the environmental or energy improvement of public buildings, I think. ... on this you are definitely much better than me.

I know that yesterday, Thursday, as you have gathered Association Inter-Cervignanese I consider a great, intelligent and profitable way to bring together the forces for good of our fellow citizens-to discuss the draft of the crematorium. I hope you have done for the last time in that hope, and hope to shelve the project, my hope comes from the depths of my soul. Works like the crematorium, if made, are expected to remain for many decades, your and our choices sometimes fall on future generations, it is definitely a crematorium, in fact it could be, I hope the end will not be.

Thank you for your patience, for the time you spent reading this simple letter, sorry if I have caused trouble, I did only for the love of our land and our communities.


Alberto Rigotti


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