Monday, February 22, 2010

Customizable Waffle Iron


Yes, Monday 'because polenta who said that the polenta you can' only do on Sundays? Sisi, I had the brilliant idea this morning to try my hand at work in this preparation, and when I take ste ' cravings, I find no peace until they are removed me!
It 's so even for the cigarettes, now abandoned years ago, just before pregnancy (because it is never my children to become smokers because of their mother devosciata ....) so' I told you just that fantastic little thing that I wanted so easily between the fingers, and waving of here 'and when the coffee with friends after a dwell on it in the usual "conversations between women," which means say that practically speaking is almost always men!
it is just as Carry sex and the city, which only stops smoking when he finds his man but then again .... Oh well 'this is another hell ..
I said that I stopped, but mica is smoking is bad if once in a while I allow myself the luxury to scrounge a cigarette to someone, of course, hidden from the children (and usually also by her husband) ... which then I'm 'vice like me, yes I really want to say too much and I like it and if I took off (say) is just for the love of husband and kittens, but if I had lived a solitary life with AC .... I stopped that! I
my nice little packet of cigarettes smoked by the taste, e. ... ok ok just stop!
I would never really comes back to me the desire .... oops .... noooooooo
I knew, only the desire to talk back and then after a few pulled disgusts me (thankfully) and throw it, but as I said I'm the girl who is pregnant with life, in the sense that if I wake up at night and I can think of pasta with broccoli, the next morning I go to the grocery store and buy broccoli at all costs !

so 'for the polenta this morning, I thought because I was reminded of remembering the wonderful vacation in a mountain hut where I ate polenta more' delicious I've ever tasted, and today I tried to replicate it .... obviously did not succeeded in full, but let's say it's pretty close!
anyway I bought it used in the Trentino, which should be cooked about 30 minutes minimum, and topped with mushrooms in a pan with oil and onion, grated cheese and melted in a saucepan with a little 'milk a delicacy .... ! I love it! course if I had the sausage would have been his death, but after a run to pick up the puppy, you put that to bed despite her "mom I do not want to sleep!" and having done all in record time, the satisfaction was great .. only negative, now the pc I have a considerable weight, but a nap would be appreciated ... ops I have to go to school to pick up the puppy then more and more 'speed of light!!


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