Monday, March 15, 2010

What Does A Herpe Bubble Look Like


And even on the weekend is gone, it starts with the usual routine ... usually on Monday even though my mood is much higher given the time that we finally gave truce does not rain!!
Since I already know that time saw my enthusiasm a few minutes and start a flood (but I hope not!) I think I'll go looking for a quick and easy trick to do for the cub of tea ....
Luckily with one click you can have a thousand recipes and nice to do something very important had been developed by people like me who loves to cook and share .... but I was thinking, I is not ever buy a newspaper than a kitchen , so I always have new things from your fantastic blog about what I need the magazine, so I guess that like me many others do, that 'means that the magazines are in crisis ????!! Who knows' still very much more comfortable especially so because I know 'already' that other people have tried the recipe and it is successful (this does not mean that I will succeed but that's another discussion ...).
Then we come to the recipe, this calf oil I had seen him do Antonella Clerici to the test when he was the cook, (but how did they drive it?? Me for not transmitting the solidarity boycott! Hahahah !) and included the recipe of veal, I have not found and I did it with another piece to the end is the same ....

a piece of veal (or walnut) from about 1 kg and 1 / 2
a full glass of oil (good)
parsley 2 lemons for garnish

salt the meat and massage well, then place in a baking dish large piece of meat tied with the lemon juice and olive oil, cover with parchment paper so that it is like a cloak, close with lid and when simmer, reduce heat to low and cook from three to two hours, depending on the piece of meat.
The important thing is that you never find out the flesh, I have cooked for two hours and then I turned quickly, still covered, and I continued cooking for another hour low.

Once cool the meat must remove the string and cut into slices as thin as possible, lay on a plate and cover with sauce and remaining lemon oil, sprinkle with parsley chopped and serve.
Obviously if you do in the morning to the evening flesh rests better, the flavors are enhanced, and especially if we have people for dinner we can relax or make more!
E 'like Al marry, therefore a guarantee!!


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