Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How Common Is Decidual Bleeding

Second Fortune


Talk about the story and identity ...
2006 Annual Review

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Messages For Congratulating A Pregnancy

Barbour, Griffith & Rogers - BGR Group

I started to look at the sites of the leading international lobbying at the suggestion of Emmanuel.

BGR is the most important American lobbying firm, according to the rankings of Fortune magazine.

Here are some elements of the site www.bgrdc.com , that seemed particularly interesting.

The Group comprises four companies:
BGR Government Affairs
BGR Public Relations
BGR Capital & Trade
BGR Gabara

Each company is given a brief presentation. Each card has a claim application, bold and larger fonts ..

In the case of Government Affairs BGR (the group company which deals with lobbying) the claim reads:

When BGR Government Affairs Represents you, all of the firm's resources are deployed on your Behalf Whether here in- Washington, across the country, or around the world.

When BGR Government Affairs represents you (in Italian is not the best, but this simplicity and directness of the message remain intact), all corporate assets ( firm's resources) are put at your service here in Washington, across the country, or the world.

Following brief introductory paragraph which speaks of:

- senior-level experience in the White House, Congress and the Executive Branch
- uncommon strategic vision, policy expertise and close working relationships with decision-makers around the world
- Greatest Challenges
reputation - bipartisan lobbying firm
- Creating, Implementing, and changing public policy
- Skills to Achieve Results The Most Difficult Circumstances under

Here the photo (hence the face) of the president with links to personal mail and biography.

then shows a few lines in the method, "approach" (identical to that of Running !!!):
Research (analysis) - Strategy (Strategy) - Execution (Action)

Therefore, areas of activity "Practice Areas".

The claim of BGR Public Relations (the company that deals with communication and public relations) said:

BGR Public Relations, LLC (BGR PR) is a dynamic strategic communications, media relations and issue advocacy firm.

in the introductory paragraph it talks about:

- innovative communications strategies and rapid response skills
- challenges of the 24-hour media cycle and the vast potential of the Internet
- communications services around the world
- strong, effective communications plans

Segue elenco delle attività:

Media Relations
Crisis Communications
Public Policy Advocacy
Political Campaigns
Paid Advertising and Placement
Message Development
Media Training
Internet and Other New Media

E dei target in riferimento:

• Associations
• Advocacy Groups
• Coalitions
• Corporations
• Non-profit Groups
• Domestic and Worldwide

It concludes with a list of four "leaders" (link to mail and personal biographies) and 5 more customer representative.

What Is The White Substance From The Anus

Major American companies lobbying

Source: fortune.com

Top Lobbying Companies

Rank Association
1 Barbour, Griffith & Rogers
2 Patton Boggs
3 Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand
4 The Duberstein Group
5 Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
6 Timmons and Co.
7 Baker, Donelson, Bearman & Caldwell
8 The Dutko Group
9 Podesta and Mattoon
10 Clark & Weinstock
11 Quinn Gillespie
12 Bergner Bockorny
13 BKSH & Associates (Black, Kelly, Scruggs & Healey)
14 Cassidy & Associates
15 Williams & Jensen
16 The Wexler Group
17 Hogan & Hartson
18 Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
19 Van Scoyoc Associates
20 The Smith-Free Group
21 Greenberg, Traurig
22 Washington Counsel
23 OBC Group (O'Brien Calio)
24 PricewaterhouseCoopers
25 Griffin, Johnson, Dover & Stewart
26 Downey McGrath
27 Arter & Hadden
28 Preston, Gates, Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds
29 R. Duffy Wall and Associates
30 Winston & Strawn
31 O'Connor & Hannan
32 Parry, Romani & DeConcini
33 Covington & Burling
34 Arnold & Porter
35 Hooper, Owen, Gould & Winburn
36 Swidler, Berlin, Shereff, Friedman
37 Dewey Ballantine
38 Boland & Madigan
39 Holland & Knight
40 Vinson & Elkins
41 Capitol Associates
42 McDermott, Will & Emery
43 Advocacy Group
44 Alcalde & Fay
45 Mayer, Brown & Platt
46 Jefferson Consulting Group

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gay In Public Toronto


dada This is a quiz, if you are likely not read.

1 Which of these sequences do you prefer?
a custom-rules-tips
b operates natural-c-precious

2 Associate adjectives to nouns to
b activities
c structure

new d / a
and adequate / a
f useful

Continued ...

Comfortable High Heels For Flat Feet


business skills


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Medicaid Florida Vision Providers

The craft of writing

Report this blog:


In particular: Write a metaphor


How does that work newsletter

Company profile

The corporates

Nissan Xterra Performance Light Rack


I'd like to gather around some opinions on "language".
I threw down a bit 'questions.
For the moment, post it here and I wonder whether they are appropriate. If
not want to be heavy, but soon will forward an email.

For the moment I can think of these: 1

If I say language, what you think? Do some free association.

2 deemed desirable to begin a reflection on the language of networks, RMA and Running?

3 think it is possible to find a solution designed to make language more consistent reporting of 3R, respecting the specificities of each company?

4 Have you looked at the blog?

5 If so, use one word to express what you think.

6 'd be willing to be a fixed reader? (Heheh)

7 Do you enjoy answering these stupid questions and I'll do with it more in the future?

8 Better chat and a coffee?

See you soon.

Monday, September 14, 2009

How To Make A Statement Of Confidentiality

The post labeled "Instructions" are dedicated to the full range of solutions that are tested in the course of the project. May include:

- the solutions identified for operational best to share opinions, knowledge and skills that revolve around the project;

- the technical solutions adopted in the construction and use of the blog platform Blogger.

Here's an example:

In the sidebar of this blog, under the gadget Text ( add some words to your blog using our rich text ) I placed the gadget Labels ( show all the labels of the post in your blog ) but I renamed Sections .

I had previously removed the gadget
Stock that makes a chronological catalog of the post (you can decide whether daily, weekly or monthly) since the time seemed more appropriate to group posts into categories.

Usually the label or tag, used to make a post easily found by a search engine, so it tends to assign a number of labels to each post, so you can be fished out of a search are more likely.

Since this blog is currently for use by a limited group of people, I deliberately chose to violate this rule, thus trying to overcome the limited opportunities offered by a platform like that.

So I will try to assign a single label for each post (subject to the hypothesis that assign the same post in two different categories had a sgnificato precise) and I will use a limited number of labels / categories / sections.

Great day that when someone asks me to manage the account also "Language of Networks" and will, his kindness, contravene the above.

Syphilis Short Term And Long

Summary No. 1

This post summarizes the contents of the document "Ten small steps"

Claudio asks Sergio to deal with the language of the Group, in order to make more consistent with each other communication materials developed by Networks, RMA and Running (projects, offers, etc.)..

Sergio wonders about the meaning of this request.

To overcome the impasse, Sergio decides to use a metaphor (Running method) that it simplifies the complexity of the task entrusted to it. Through free association Sergio decides that the language is a place and research work is about to begin a journey , or rather, an exploration .

Sergio understands that the sense of the journey is all in the way that you take, not the destination is reached. And that journey is to be made by the entire group, not by him alone, otherwise would have no way to deal with it.

Sergio continues with free association and decided to start writing a diary in order to block all the conceptual steps of his journey, to make them transparent and subject to criticism by other members of the group .

Apart from writing the travelogue, Sergio decides to start working on two concrete proposals: a.

the analysis of popular opinion within the Group on the issue of language, using questionnaires sent by the formula one to one e-mail;

b. the analysis of language as the 3Rs as it is today, through the study of materials produced individually in an attempt to get some ideas from the comparison of reasoning.

also decided to involve the whole group will make public all documents collected and processed in the course of its progress.

At any time, those interested can join the exploring expedition and contribute their expertise to the correct approach to the entire operation and its success.

Breast Cancer Sore Shoulder

Ten small steps

a newbie, just entering the monastery, asked the master Chao-chou:
"Please explain to me what I should do to attain enlightenment."
"Have you eaten your soup? "
" Yes "
" Then, wash the bowl. "

" you'll be looking language. "
So I said to Claudio, the day after the meeting at which it had emerged the need for greater uniformity of the documents produced by networks, RMA and Running: projects, offers commercial, communications and so on.
"I'm not so interested in the look and feel" says Claudio, "rather than purely linguistic."
" Of course. "I say," Okay. "
- Why not? - I think.
" I do know how to proceed? "
" Yeah! " I say.

to homogenize the language of networks, RMA and Running.
Stir writing dozens of professionals who give heart and soul to three separate companies, each with its own field of activity, with their own specificities and differences. Each with its own history.
Yeah, right.

I realized early on that the solution to this puzzle could not relate to the discovery of a magic formula, the search for truth that fell from above put an end to every problem.
Even if I came to produce a set of procedural and substantive rules to be used in the preparation of the documents of the Group, even if I followed the methodology was impeccable, even though I had suddenly turned into Super De Saussure, simply tearing his shirt off in the process of networks, how could I turn to my colleagues and say, "Well, from now on then that is how must one write and woe to those who lock. I have done my own. "?
What hope of success would have had such an operation?
definitely was not what was asked of me.

I am one of Running, I. Running
And when the going gets tough, it's time to begin to think in metaphors.
I asked myself: the language of networks, what could it be?
The language is shared by a community, is given by the interaction of individuals that use it to communicate with each other.
The language is changed, evolved, enriched by the exchange, sharing and interaction.
Language is a collective. The language
lived, animated, is inhabited.
Language is a place.
Language is a territory.
The task I was given that he wanted to make changes to that landscape, that I did sponsor an operation of reclamation to create more harmony there where he felt the need.
To do this you would first be some knowledge and understanding of that territory. We must first explore it.

But first, I had to undo the fundamental, around the role that I should take this exploring expedition in the language of 3R (Networks, RMA, Running).
I could not make the trip all by myself, I did not have the capacity nor the courage, and if in the middle of the road had fallen into the quicksand, who would have pulled out?
No doubt, at least initially, it was for me the task of recruiting a significant number of adventurers and convince them of the goodness of the cause.
Besides, you know, the direction of travel is all in the way which you follow, not the goal is reached. And that journey had to be completed by the full band. Otherwise would not make sense to face it. Since all
recruiting goal was impossible, I should try to involve a significant part of the group mind. But to do what I was supposed to stimulate the spirit of discovery, I should make the trip interesting and useful, I should mention a treasure.
And there could be no obligation to join the expedition, so I'd be very convincing ...

I continued with the free association:

discovery exploration journey


is how I came to the decision to write down all the steps of my conceptual search path in the language of Networks: I left my pebbles on the path, so that those who had agreed to follow the reach me at any time, to continue the trip together, or just to get me out of the quicksand, if you were given the chance.

I decided that the language used to describe this exploration of language networks, had to be - at least as a first step - the one most congenial to me. It had to be intimate, literary and conversational at the same time, serious and facetious, a bit 'bumpy. It had to be the language reserved for myself, what I used in my diary. In this way I could make better sense in my steps, and perhaps be more convincing, more enjoyable, more accessible.
Obviously, this language would not have had anything to do with the group, but might have been able to tickle the spirit of discovery that is within each of us.
Perhaps with such an approach would have earned, from the outset, some traveling companion.
But that was not enough.

Beyond the more or less compelling narrative of my mental saw, I had to come up with concrete proposals.
I am one of Running, I.
And Running, when the going gets tough, it's time for analysis, strategy, action.

So, before you assume risky and costly (both in terms of time and energy expended) pathways of research and collective reflection, I think it is appropriate to carry out a preliminary survey of the territory, through :

a. the analysis of popular opinion within the Group on the issue of language, using questionnaires sent by the formula one to one e-mail;
b. analysis of the language of the 3Rs as it appears today, through the study of materials produced individually in an attempt to obtain by comparing some food for thought.

In each step of this journey, I will try to involve everyone was encouraged to contribute to research through: a.

The web publication of all the materials collected or arising in the course of research;
b. creating a public space for comment and reflection on the meaning and progress of research;
c. sending periodic questionnaires written - on a strictly voluntary basis - which comply with the strictest rules anti-spam and privacy;
d. request regular one to one meetings lasting up to 30 minutes;
e. Another

For the moment I would say this is all I can do is hope for some comments.