I started to look at the sites of the leading international lobbying at the suggestion of Emmanuel.
BGR is the most important American lobbying firm, according to the rankings of Fortune magazine.
Here are some elements of the site www.bgrdc.com , that seemed particularly interesting.
The Group comprises four companies:
BGR Government Affairs
BGR Public Relations
BGR Capital & Trade
BGR Gabara
Each company is given a brief presentation. Each card has a claim application, bold and larger fonts ..
In the case of Government Affairs BGR (the group company which deals with lobbying) the claim reads:
When BGR Government Affairs Represents you, all of the firm's resources are deployed on your Behalf Whether here in- Washington, across the country, or around the world.
When BGR Government Affairs represents you (in Italian is not the best, but this simplicity and directness of the message remain intact), all corporate assets ( firm's resources) are put at your service here in Washington, across the country, or the world.
Following brief introductory paragraph which speaks of:
- senior-level experience in the White House, Congress and the Executive Branch
- uncommon strategic vision, policy expertise and close working relationships with decision-makers around the world
- Greatest Challenges
reputation - bipartisan lobbying firm
- Creating, Implementing, and changing public policy
- Skills to Achieve Results The Most Difficult Circumstances under
Here the photo (hence the face) of the president with links to personal mail and biography.
then shows a few lines in the method, "approach" (identical to that of Running !!!):
Research (analysis) - Strategy (Strategy) - Execution (Action)
Therefore, areas of activity "Practice Areas".
The claim of BGR Public Relations (the company that deals with communication and public relations) said:
BGR Public Relations, LLC (BGR PR) is a dynamic strategic communications, media relations and issue advocacy firm.
in the introductory paragraph it talks about:
- innovative communications strategies and rapid response skills
- challenges of the 24-hour media cycle and the vast potential of the Internet
- communications services around the world
- strong, effective communications plans
Segue elenco delle attività :
• | Media Relations |
• | Crisis Communications |
• | Public Policy Advocacy |
• | Political Campaigns |
• | Paid Advertising and Placement |
• | Message Development |
• | Media Training |
• | Internet and Other New Media |
E dei target in riferimento:
• Associations | |
• Advocacy Groups | |
• Coalitions | |
• Corporations | |
• Non-profit Groups | |
• Domestic and Worldwide |
It concludes with a list of four "leaders" (link to mail and personal biographies) and 5 more customer representative.
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