Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Specialty Cakes Moter Cross


I know is that there is a nice little update with my DIS-adventures but I wanted to wait a bit to share the new knowledge that is affecting my last week ...

Following the advice of FRANCESCO this time nothing strange nicknames .. will be fucked up but I want to be a little superstitious view of the recent events ...
His name is S. and we met about three weeks ago by ROMEO although the former approach has not been the happiest since his profile is clearly set for sex and his first message as I said in my usual defense stating that I was not in look of the horn.
From there began a fruitful, but also pleasant exchange of messages with which I briefly explained his point of view and that is how I have granted him the chance to know me.

S. 28 years old, graduated in Political Science and after a couple of years working away from home, returned months ago saw the current difficult business climate that they can no longer survive outside.
It 'a very particular type he ... outside it shows how much a guy arrogant, self-confident, careless, only interested in sex and fun ... but I know a little bit early to discover his true character, his real person and not one that is built as a defense to the next for fear of suffering.
With all the reservations possible cmq I can say is that without doubt he sticks closer to me than I to him, as the interest that I have against him is growing with each passing day and attendance ... eh ... I can finally use the term concrete ... ATTEND! Why? For the simple reason that in 9 days we met six times including two nights spent together in the same bed, taking advantage of our parents in their homes ...
's incredibly Coccolone like me, sweet, Naughty (sometimes too well: D), sensitivity, detail oriented, caring and also jealous of myself ... and I'm learning to understand because as I said before is very special and some of his attitudes and some of his statements can be easily misunderstood ... but under hide much more!
I'm not here to say that living 30 km from my home town is another story .. in 20 minutes are over there and even though I was "unveiled" to not have the license has already moved more than once to come to me with untangling public transportation and even this is enough for me to understand that a person is interested!
I'm obviously happy but as enthusiastic as it would not in my nature ... probably because of recent experience that I have a attimino "shocked" ... and paradoxically between the two perhaps more "pulled" it's me and I realize that often this does not help him to have certainty on my part!
For now I just want to know and let me know as much as possible so as to possibly start another path together ... for now the basics are all there but I will not say more!

Friday to Milan and spend two days (not even do it on purpose with the carnival in the middle) with the guy I met before Christmas, giving me his hospitality. Needless to say it will not happen 'ANYTHING' with him ... but if little by little you know me you should have guessed!
PS Obviously S. jealous is not just for this thing and afraid that something could happen ... I hope you learn to trust me slowly.


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