Saturday, March 12, 2011

Yaoi Streaming Online

24 febbario 2011. Tubone and CAFC. An evening of the comparison.

packed Civic Hall for the information evening on the subject organized by the opposition cervignanese Tubone-CAFC.

The proper balance to ensure correct information was provided by the composition of the speakers' table, with the presence of Alexander Colautti Regional Council and the Mayor of center Fiumicello Ennio Scridel area center. The dinner was also attended by Regional Councillor Cargnelutti el'ambientalista Paride De Toni.

After a brief introductory Alberto Rigotti, involved in the dual role of moderator and leader of opposition, the cons. Regional Colautti briefly retraced the path that led to the merger with the CAFC Tubone, hoping that the new person may respond better and with a solid foundation to the challenges facing the water sector in the next future. He paid particular attention to the issue of protection of the fountains and the protection of the aquifer. He specifically stressed the need to study some exceptions relating to connections, because of possible differences in shares or distance from the point of connection to the sewerage system.

There followed a debate in which many citizens have taken these to which they replied, taking turns, the same Scridel Colautti and the mayor has emphasized the need, at this stage to be clarified in the ' information to citizens.

Rigotti has renewed Colautti, who is also a director the CAFC, the request to set up a temporary office with the Consortium for technical advice and assistance to 800 people cervignanesi that will complete the formalities for applying for the connection.

Rigotti The same has also reformulated the second proposal previously made in the course of the municipal council of Autoconvocate January 3, 2011 (not voted by the majority) so that the CAFC is to establish a fund to provide long-term loans payable in installments with small bills, to support families who need support, in some cases, high costs for grid connection.

Rigotti collected with satisfaction the commitment that has Colautti made available to support Board of CAFC in the two proposals.

If the intent of the evening was to make a contribution to try to understand something more in terms of connections, refunds and exemptions, the objective was reached.

The Altrametà.


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