During this time my gut pigrissimo (I know, I know it is a cooking blog so I can speak of mica needs!) I is 'asking for mercy in a roundabout way, and I promised myself to cook more' vegetables, cook them because I eat at my house just me, others refuse tight! So I said that I was eating a bit more tax '"healthy" and then when I go to the supermarket I buy different types, and then at home or leave them' I look and wonder the reasons of their sad existence, or the boiled and then after a spoonful of bland taste, I say, but I'm about tomorrow I make the dough!
And so 'going on forever, broccoli pasta is his death, as for the zucchini in a pan; me they taste the spinach salad (leaves more 'keep) or call the peas in the risotto ... e. cuttlefish. the other vegetables? depends .... However, without digressing too
redone broccoli in a pan with olive oil and garlic and chili, blended with white wine and flavored with raisins and toasted pine nuts called paccheri who rushed (the company of the gift corkscrew) and there they are jelly for lunch , and just finished I felt even more 'happy because: I eat the vegetables !!!!!! we want to do each one has its convictions!