Thursday, November 12, 2009

10mg Of Temazepam How Long Will I Sleep

Fennel and walnuts in a pan with double chocolate muffins

stress then this recipe is not my work but I do not know who he is!
And now we come to the ingredients:
4 fennel (I will always do a lot more ')
5 shallots 1 clove garlic
pecorino romano
12 walnuts
parsley, thyme, marjoram, salt pepper and butter
cut the fennel and shallots (peeled) into pieces and put in a pan with a little oil, garlic salt, pepper, a bit 'of butter and a dash of milk, cover and go on a moderate flame / low for 15 minutes.
After this time open the lid, sprinkle with grated cheese, marjoram, thyme, parsley and chopped walnuts, cook another 5 minutes and serve.
good appetite, and of course if the owner makes you feel I'll put 'instant his name on the recipe!!


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