Friday, November 20, 2009

Gta Transportation Malaysia

But what I'm cold today? Between this cycle and sore throat .... now that is in fashion ... especially at my house, I'm 'just put bad! That I Until a few years ago (four to be precise) never gets a fever, I did not know what they were antibiotics .. short burst of health, physical problems and are now all more often than I care two together ... but what happens to me? maybe my antibodies are gone on holiday to the Maldives for me? the years pass, however, physical problems and to cover increased sti 'cabbage white hair is no longer enough' a ride to the hairdresser once a month and a half! and this is even more 'serious!
Okay 'must console ourselves with food, as always, and without thinking about those damned 4 kg in piu' accumulated, as if by magic from the belly, thighs and buttocks (never breasts he! Ever!) And tiriamoci on this moral a mat and let's get into it with a nice pot sa 'pork this winter .... we really liked the contrast with the orange and brandy ... try it then tell me ok?

a pork loin
onion garlic salt pepper
1 and 1 / 2 oranges
white wine and brandy
flour 1 tablespoon

Squeeze the juice of an 'orange slice the other half and set aside.
Finely chop garlic and onion, fry in a pan with oil, pass the pork in flour and shake to remove excess, then cook it on all sides in the pan, season with salt and pepper to go to a medium heat for 10 minuti.Poi blend with the wine and the brandy and add orange juice, cover and reduce heat 35/40n cook for about minutes, stirring often.
At the end of cooking add the orange slices, let cool and cut the meat as thinly as possible, pour the sauce over it and arance.Buono and effect.


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