Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Clear Lip Piercing Retainers

Pennette truffle cakes

Saturday (two Saturdays ago but I say ') I invited to dinner dear friends, and knowing that one in particular loves the truffle, I have prepared this first that we love so much and is very fast ... in fact the night of the dinner I came home at seven because I had to stock up for the puppies pigiamoni who were not over and so I had to prepare all travel spending ... fortunately I had already 'done hastily and I prepared the sauce for the pasta for 6 people:
4 sausages, fresh cream 2 packs, a pack. of truffle oil, salt and black pepper.
Boil water to cook the penne, while in the oil and pan fry sausage into small pieces, sprinkle with white wine, very little salt and black pepper fresco.Dopo a bit ' add the cream, thicken for a few minutes and finally mix the truffle sauce, add a few tablespoons of pasta cooking water, drain the pasta and grated cheese Sautee in condimento.Servire fresco.Poi I prepared the pork orange and brandy postero 'below .....


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