Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Forge Service Hours


begin to think that maybe the problem is I ...
short game knowledge with Mr.ALLI is really great and the signals that were more eloquent!
But the post weekend in Rome I saw something change in him towards me.
E 'enthusiasm failed to see, to take advantage of every moment to exchange a few text messages, a joke, to feel the cell, the chemical that attraction, the desire to touch, to discover ... I had heard so much at first.
The first day I thought it was only due to fatigue considering it does a job that takes him to have to wake up at 5 am and often to remove the 19 (if not more) in the evening ... but the last two outputs (from Rome we met only twice) have raised in me the suspicion that something is I went and tried to steal his condition by small strokes, however, who saw his answers quite reassuring!
But the fact remains that the sensations described above are left and last night I made a request in the most explicit chat ... and the response was that of the previous post!
For him it is normal that there is a reduction, a brake ... for me it is just the opposite, especially given that we are in the early stages of a knowledge ... we met five times including "Rome" in just over a month and the attraction and the desire to spend time together to discover should be her master. But I doubt whether that very beautiful weekend has sped things excessively and the posting of the return has partly caused the current state of things!
I interpret his words as an implicit declaration of no interest in me because if the point is the difference, how to live your days, customs and way of seeing some things ... Well you're indirectly saying that these issues do not go well for me.
And the thing I regret is that I had specifically asked to promise that at any time for any reason he had heard that knowledge is not the same, giving what he expected, I would have to talk calmly. .. because for me it is clearly the basis for everything! But I feel that I had when we met the last time it was done because 'we needed and not because' we wanted ... subtle but abysmal difference!
wait to see how it behaves in the prox prox hours and days to make a clear decision reluctantly, but already this morning that his "Hello .." told me many things ...


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