Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Minnitonka Softsoled Moccasins


I must say that the last time he did not appear at all the best! And the reasons are many ... affects the economic situation, studies ...

like to start with them.
few days ago, while I wandered through the law specially created page on facebook (now there is someone or something that does not have a facebook page!?) I ran into several complaints of boys and girls who've found hundreds of € to be paid as a second and third installments of the few universities in the face of previous years! At that, considering that the last month and a half on my portal there were several fixes for these sums in their own, I immediately wanted to write a new subsidiary e. ........... ............................ 350 € ... a barrel real!
I know ... are a pittance compared to those who pay € 1000 to go in the other Italian universities, but on this we should do a speech on the return in terms of services, which is almost non-existent in my part!
Moving from € 75 last year to 350 this year has brought down almost all my desire to study ... and there are lots a bit of reflection!
Start from a premise: the employment situation in Italy is that we all know today and the prospects do not seem better than those in the near future ... So for a faculty which alone produces hundreds of lawyers and suspected every few months a year who find themselves wandering the streets, no one guarantees that completed studies will work in my field, INDEED!
Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bDelusional SUSPEND the university and get a job! OK! My best friend I have already taken at MALI WORDS when Did I mentioned, because after so many objectively years, despite being in terrible delay, I would be in the middle of the path, and would therefore make sense to think seriously AGAINST ... because it says If you start to see the first pennies not recover! I literally WASTE short these last years of my life!
But I want to find a job, which is to be committed, as a waiter, no matter from centralinistra .. I just do not constantly feel guilty every minute of my days that I do not go to study, even when I studied for 8-9 hours and I have officially done my duty and I am on a Saturday evening relaxing with friends! I would suffice to say "The working day is over! NOW I CAN DO THIS 'I WANT WITHOUT Some thoughts! NOW I CAN get those whim to buy this OR WHAT! Now I can go to the disco with friends for fun like I have done so NOW !"...
These arguments then end up clashing with the local (but not only) that does not feel significant chance ... because said the owner of a small local investigating law are too "qualified" to be a waiter, I should begin at age 14 to "get the job already in hand," who do not accept those who have no experience (even without granting the possibility to measure!) or send resumes everywhere for new openings and to learn that the employees were all selected between relatives and friends of the owners even before they knew anything .... YOU CUT THE LEGS BEFORE YOU TRY AGAIN!
And this is neither a feeling sorry for himself let alone a complaint, because I am well aware that the situation is the same everywhere, and unfortunately because they are neither the first nor the last! But these thoughts crowd my head for a few days ... and do not deny that the situation at home is my last unfortunate knowledge has greatly influenced ...



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