Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snowboard Park Blue Prints


This morning I decided (albeit not very happy to do so) to re-enroll to GAYROMEO ... alas only current means to know someone!
Forced to write something in the force profile as the presentation I chose these two lines: "When you least expect it, someone comes along who you think might be right now .. and yet NO ONE wants to commit themselves to know, to learn who stands before him, to go beyond, to come down to a minimum of compromise ... because it would be unrealistic not to do it! "
I wanted to take a moment a sense of what has happened in recent weeks and generally applicable to the gay world, which unfortunately makes it all too often the rule! Except that ...

UNTIPOCHEDOVREBBESCOPAREDIPIU \u0026lt;is not true that nobody wants to commit to meet and go beyond, and nevertheless I am sure that you are the first to dwell primarily on the external, and then do not be surprised if you're dealing only with superficial guys like you, with which no barb to build anything better ... -.- Not deceive you can turn a passion into a life project>
IO \u0026lt;E 'more than natural to dwell first on the external ... would only be hypocritical to say the opposite .. but once a certificate for someone you love should go more ... this is what I meant! And please do not judge me because we do not know. Thanks>

UNTIPOCHEDOVREBBESCOPAREDIPIU \u0026lt; point remains the same: there is no hope to find a beautiful person inside and out, perfection does not exist, you have to compromise (as you say in your profile, but perhaps want others to do it, not you, and thank you comfortable) with the appearance if you want to find an inner strength ... the perfect guy does not exist, and if there would not be happy with you ... mine is not an insult, just a reflection that you might use to find a key to help you understand where you're wrong and how can you be alone! beautiful boys out do not need to be beautiful inside, because so much everyone, including you, even if behind the smear are assholes ... if you are not willing to give up the cool, then get ready to give up a stable relationship, because you'll be replaced as soon as you arrive a nicer to try with your beautiful trophy / boyfriend! happy birthday, hello>

IO \u0026lt;I'm just wondering why all this effort if you do not share my thoughts ... bye bye>

UNTIPOCHEDOVREBBESCOPAREDIPIU \u0026lt; is called sharing, something that Salento gays and egocentric superciaili do not know ... we are all in the same boat, and if we do not change all, nothing will change ... and change is necessary to talk, to exchange views, share experiences in order to prevent the other ricaschino always the same mistakes when we are fooled us before them ... but here everybody thinks only of himself and photos of others, there is no sharing, no nothing, just empty aesthetic, regression to the state animal ... Forget the story so seriously, why are we all like you pretend to look for depth, but in reality we only turn that shit beefy making us feel special when in reality we are and will always and only normal>

IO \u0026lt;You're not sharing .. 're imposing your view of things and making my move as the wrong one! I do not see at all like you and demand some respect ... >

UNTIPOCHEDOVREBBESCOPAREDIPIU \u0026lt; is obvious that if you do not think like you, it means to me what you think is wrong, but that does not mean that your thoughts will be canceled from my position remains that only one point of view ... cmq least pretend to, so that claim is a tax ... >

IO \u0026lt;But I repeat .. I do not know! Do not know who they are, do not know what I try, you do not know my past experiences .. and my house unless you know you should not express too much! If I knew you would know that my ex were not the cool example.
I do not believe in fixed patterns so cool and so the same shit as you say you ... and I would expect because it is better to expect from life will settle without a fight! Anyway we close here ... hello>

UNTIPOCHEDOVREBBESCOPAREDIPIU \u0026lt; certainly were 'your kind', then cool for you, and cmq "I do not know" is too obvious to say, most of us is easy to understand ... close here I tell you! XD>

IO \u0026lt;close here I say because no one asked your opinion and I've been too polite to not send you to hell in the first msg! AND HER na laugh my mother ... >

UNTIPOCHEDOVREBBESCOPAREDIPIU \u0026lt; ah what an honor it -.->

IO ---> ; BLOCK YOU.



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