Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nami And Nico Robin Games


... I can not deny that the last repercussions with a minimum Mr.ALLI have influenced my opinion.
We carry the last conversation through facebook that there was total silence for the first week.

MR.ALLI: \u0026lt;I'm sorry too read your states: (: (>
IO: \u0026lt;It's my mistake ... nothing will probably point to something.> ;
MR.ALLI: \u0026lt;We were wrong to charge both too much and too fast .. it was too early Rome commitment on facebook, promotion 1 cent ... >
IO: \u0026lt;For me there was nothing to load ... the commitment was a mere cuteness to you and certainly we were not engaged, so much so that I've always said you were free to meet other people. Rome was a parenthesis. The promo had to be able to hear every time without spending a fortune ... all. I think that in the last 10 days something has happened because the reasons you gave me not only good for me ... >
MR.ALLI: \u0026lt; It 's so ... I have gained in ... believe me nothing has happened ... neither known nor anyone else>
IO: \u0026lt;you could talk Wednesday at this point instead of waiting for you to ask me ... I seemed to receive assurances that every time you did a joke, that's why I spoke of a sudden change. The differences that I have spoken should not be an obstacle because I think I've ever done a study to weigh the fact of not being completely financially independent, to be available to come to you ... boh ... >
MR.ALLI: \u0026lt;Let's just say that I was maturing into ....... I do not know Awkward ... maybe I'm not ready ... >
IO: \u0026lt; Vabò not know what to say ... are naturally disappointed and a bit disappointed ... but I do not you blame ... I just wanted to avoid this "decline" of the relationship ... all. But everyone has their own way of understanding. I'm sorry but that something as beautiful as the weekend in Rome has become a bad thing ... I would rather say that I do not like me physically, you do not appeal to you more, you get bored as I know ... >
MR.ALLI: \u0026lt;No, no ... I am .. not you ... in the sense that we do not take enough ... >
IO: \u0026lt;I had thought that we take very ... Cmq ok, you've made your choice .. and I respect it and do not you fuck off as others do because I think you are a good person as far as I know ... >
MR.ALLI: \u0026lt;Then we know from another angle .. with time ... >
IO: \u0026lt;But if you already saw malpena now ... imagine if you can not otherwise ... I do not think .. >
MR.ALLI: \u0026lt;Then do not say that .. you may transfer to Lecce ... >
IO: \u0026lt;It 's impossible ... I have to finish school and that makes me unable to work to earn enough to stay in Lecce, especially now with the situation at home then ... >
MR.ALLI: \u0026lt;: (: (>

From this brief conversation took place last Tuesday on anything ... we resent it briefly last night because I have contacted me pretending to nothing, with a quiet greeting with the classic question, how are you and so on.
keep saying ... Vabene ... It 'was his choice ... AND TO BE RESPECTED AS SUCH ... But still does not understand or 'FORM OR' THE CONTENT OF THIS DECISION.

I think asking him a single thing in over a month and knowledge ... Moderate talk of everything with ME and vice versa. To talk about any doubts or uncertainties because that too is a way to know deeper instead of stopping at appearances. Many will say to me right that each has its times! Right! And in fact I do not say that the mica doubt one should immediately call me to tell me FEEL WE SPEAK! It would be a little hard as a pattern ... But when you repeat over and over again which is something that you COMPLETED in, you're implicitly saying that it is something I've thought very often, I assume every day .. and so after the first, second, third, fourth day, a week, since we saw each other twice for good measure and some of me there was, I could Moderate talk! But probably if it were not for my intervention with uncomfortable questions that I would be more successful in there ...
Here I should reproach me for having pressed in some way I could do it in reference to these conversations .. the desire to have a clarification as soon as possible ... but no more!

Yes .. because before you tell me that the problem is represented by too many differences ... but in my opinion does not hold because otherwise it would mean that no student could be with an employee and vice versa. I've talked about different ways of seeing things, different habits ... of your GREATER FREEDOM '... but in what sense?! Your greater economic freedom?! E ' So it's important to go shopping and spend hundreds of euro per month!? Why only in this way I could interpret his words ... and if so to me this would be its limitation.
habits which would be different? The fact of going into the weekend in one of two existing gay venues in Lecce, or go to dinner with friends or a trip to improvise in some Italian city!? Yet I do not think that I pulled back when we spent a Sunday in the company of your friends after two days we had known and even less have done scenes of madness denying in toto the proposal to go to the capital.
Then instead I say that perhaps we loaded our understanding of expectations too much too soon referring once more to Rome ... And that hurts! Unless he has pretended for 48 hours I thought we had spent two days together and it felt wonderful as well as others perceived him exchanging even for a couple who were together for years ... Did you this scared!?
You also refer to my status change in commitments on facebook a few days before when you told me that is a gesture that you enjoy so much and after we explained that it was only a cuteness to you to answer your question while we were on 'plane "NOW I CAN CHANGE MY STATUS?" giving me a kiss on lips!
And you also refer to the promotion I turned ... when he was just a way to respond to your msg newspapers and to "contribute" potendoti call every so often (3-4 times a day and do not mind you) without a recharge every four days like you do!?
And then you still say that NOT ME, BUT YOU ... THAT YOU ARE NOT READY ... but I ask you READY TO WHAT!? I never spoke of any kind .. TIES I've never forbidden to go out with friends and even the last night we met when we were out of this discussion agreed that there was nothing wrong with meeting new people ... which of course we would have stayed a little bad but there was nothing wrong ... and you have fully confirmed this view!
And even if it did ... expectations do not arise and evolve naturally!? It would be exaggerated to expect a boyfriend after a couple of times we have seen ... but that's normal I hope that, given the words, gestures, the kindness, the willingness and the many proposals, the knowledge may begin to deepen ...

It 'sad to see that "good things" will turn into BELLA KNOWLEDGE BASE to truncate a ... and become almost strangers any day!
But it goes without saying that so van things ...


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