Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dental Offices Requiring Sterilization Techs


sure that when you put the People are really PEEEESANTE eh!
F. Do you remember?! I sent a private msg on facebook? Here! In front of my non-response was heard making me feel empowered to refer Note (MA VA!?) With a slightly critical vein as not deserve even indifferent ... I had to express a concept even a FUCK because I always proven to be a mature guy!
But I say ... but people are sick until levels!? That is, you merdaccia you act bad and do not you feel for more than two years and then pretend something!? What sense does it respond when the indifference is so spontaneous!? Perhaps the gentleman believes that even with a negative response could cmq start a discussion and a papal candidate approach! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... is right!

Besides him and the clerk of whom I spoke also has remade live another type known last summer ... one type to say the least obnoxious and full of himself .. knew everything about everybody and everything and his was the absolute truth! When I saw that was what he wanted nothing more than friendship from me I sent to hell .. Considering also the attitude of 5 grade! He wanted to know why themselves as "IT TOOK A REALLY ME!" But vafangul ...

last night instead of SCOOP SCOOP! While I was on a chat I contact a guy and he's well being Salento I gave my msn ... only to find that my own city! Ahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha
We met in a 1 minute cam ... The truth hit me crabs ... cmq a chat on msn it is for the moment ... just to see what kind it is! But the first impression has shown little appeal .. which is fundamental for me beyond the physical aspect but important!

Meanwhile, the 23 approaches ... little miss an appointment! ^___^

programs for today? Giving a clean internal and external to my machine, do the blessed Christmas tree (in this regard could make a post dedicated hihihihi) and in the afternoon to go for a bit of compulsive shopping! LOL


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