Saturday, December 18, 2010

Vision Looks Like Kaleidiscope


A bit all of us would wake up Christmas morning and find dozens of gifts under the tree, brought there by someone ... and especially gifts that reflect our desires unexpressed maybe!
try to make a pseudo LIST then ... while conscious of the fact that no high blond bono Santa will come to visit us in the middle of the night!

1. The very first gift I'd like, and is the same every year, is always and only the health of all my family and people close to me! Will assume I know .. but there are many people who have had the misfortune to spend Christmas alone for because of a loss to their beloved ... therefore it is not so obvious and not so!

2. A job for my father, who after 40 years of work will probably find himself on foot to more than 50 years and you all know how difficult it is to find a job in the current situation not only stable but also dignified and even more than it is here in the South!

3. A boyfriend! And that it loud and clear! Babboooo Nataleeeeeeeeeeeeee take me I'm fucking fidanzatoooooooooooooooo aòòòòòòòòòòò! Ahahahahahahah

4. Moving on to things which you could also buy (but we do not understand there being sufficient funds hihihi) I would say an iPod, a PS3, a Mac, a NEW WARDROBE is packed, a Peugeot 207, a VILLA ..... ............ OK OK maybe I am made to take a little hand! Ahahahahahahahahah

ragaSSuoli And you what do you want under the tree!? And do not make jokes like, "NOTHING IN THE TREE, BUT ANOTHER PART C'AVREI N'IDEA !"... ahahahahah .... I know eh! ^____*


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