rains in the wet. And 'the case to say it. After the crematorium whose spending tripled in less than two months, a House of Music is not sound proof, now we will also put the roof of the Palace which lets rainwater. The news is a bit 'antiquated, but it's worth telling.
brings us to the facts. Wednesday, December 8 last year, to 18.30 it was to play the game of basketball for the league Series C, between ABC and UBC Cervignano Udine on the floor of the Sports Hall of Piazzale Lancers d'Aosta.

But the field was impractical. The roof, like a sieve, letting the rain made it prohibitive and dangerous conditions of the pitch.

The show offered as a pre-game, understood as the transfer of athletes, officials and the public, it was not the best, especially for a municipal authority that is investing € million in questionable public works, leaving in total abandonment sports facilities that would need to postponed maintenance.
The altrametà
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