Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Which Coco Butter Removes Dark Spots

2010 MY LOVE!

view of the fact that 2010 is drawing to a close, the first of the classic list of resolutions for the new year, I'll try to make a pseudo pseudo-examination of acquaintances and those they had in 365 days!

MODEL. Oh when I met him told me he had posed for some photos and then soprannominai so .. but unless the statue due to the physical work as a personal trainer I would say that everything I model was not! Ahahahaha ok ok I'm taking revenge for the way he behaved at the time ... ie sucks! After an initial meeting where we talked about many things and when I looked different from the mass, the second round we ended up finding ourselves naked in the car while he was dropping out of a fog absurd to say the least ... not even in Silent Hill! Too bad that after that meeting, the fourth type disappeared completely and only a betrayal to my call with a number unknown to him, well after 7 days (I wanted to start with the famous phrase from The Ring!) And managed to catch him in the face of I highly scazzai its tranquility and scazzatura turned into shock when a text message told me that he needed to experience (in terms of sex!) because he needed someone who dominates him! Ahahahahahahahahahah
After several months to more than once it was rebuilt then asked if I would go live to meet again, alluding to the fact that at the time he needed to blow off steam and bla bla bla ... Series I WAS TOO NEED FOR SEX! Pass me the expression! Obviously I have not not taken into account.

I BIDONARI. Well, yes ... not one but three!
The first after putting me on the cross for weeks so I can see you have not even bothered to show up appointment making me move from my city! But it did not end there because apologizing for the incident convinced me to meet again again, this time in my city, but even then did not hear.
The second made me wait for an hour without replying to my text messages and my calls and then tell me who was at the hairdresser and that she had with him the phone. Crazy stuff!
The third apparently had had an accident on a motorbike as he was the appointment.
In all three cases are then asked a further chance to hear redone ... Did I imagine, and if granted! Ahahahahahah

The bridegroom. Mica could be missing in your opinion?! Of course not!
The classic type with wife against which, however, like to know why boys to fuck "SO THERE 'S NOTHING WRONG!" but randomly fails to tell who is married at last!
We met for coffee once and I am grateful that I have not tried to kiss me. But what was insistent for the next two months!? But my indifference always strikes!

D. EX aka the historian who has returned to prominence after his story (the one they gave me some years ago) has been wrecked. I've lost count of how many calls made to see me m'abbia including the historic invitation to his degree! But I think that after nearly four years after the end of this horrible lies and more lies I was presenting in the midst of friends who meet those horrid!? BUT NO! But I guess in the end he understood that they are now seen several months ago that you do not hear anymore! Better!

T. is one of the few guys with whom he remained good friends despite basically things did not work from other points of view. As if to say we were not sexually compatible! It is an ugly expression, but the idea is to make .. and I am sure that you experience in international (ahahaha), you will understood perfectly!

Tigers. The nickname I gave him that says a little of everything! Less than 20 years when we met and sweet is an understatement! With him was truly desire to get to know the new thing was just in the fact that my interest was directed toward someone smaller than me, something rare and unique! The thing that struck me then straight to the heart was discovered on the first date that he was deaf from birth (though we felt good about the apparecchietto!) Alas, after a couple of meetings it was decided to close both there because of the impossibility of being too often given the distance to the undersigned and to its inability to travel to meet me sometimes!
To date we have remained good friends even though at one point he tried me again!

ALEX. This is one of the most unnerving knowledge that has made this past year! The classic type who feels the God come down to earth, who knows everything about everyone and everything, you know that a simple glance, you read minds, you learn that not even a therapist .... but then when he is child of a 15 year old novice! Despite my clear premise search only a friendship he tried him at second appointment, and also with a certain insistently physical, which led me to immediately send him to hell also because of the attitude that child was subsequently re-opening the discussion on why and how of our knowledge in spite of my close call there!

moved from my 32 year old GE shares recently. We met at his insistence chat and the first meeting was very pleasant as well as him. Too bad that I later found himself with the stereotype of the Undecided CHRONIC, what you do not even know what he wants, he says one thing and does another, that tells you that he would sleep so glad you embraced for a whole night but then why does not want to kiss you "could be misunderstood", not wanting to leave downtown because they do not want to meet with colleagues. In short, the classic type that at some point you would not send to hell!

P. The typical Internet users know that continues indefinitely until it reveals the opportunity of seeing in person. And in that one occasion we ended up in bed! Here! Ahahahahahah

A. If it was 1) to his teeth and 2) the fact that he lives 100 km from me ... I would like to learn more thing!

Mr Universe '. Need we give you an overview!? I do not think that I have seen smashed to the Maronites do not know how! Ahahahahah

salesman. Even this knowledge is quite recent and that was 1) why did not fire that little bit more and 2) because even though they were two weeks that we felt was becoming nothing short of heavy continuous calls and everything else!

This is a summary I would say close moooooolto of this 2010 in the light of the facts from the sentimental point of view turned out to be nothing short DISAPPOINTING! We hope that 2011 will instead be the year dell'AMOURRR!


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