Sunday, December 26, 2010

Reduce Prolonged Swelling


Buondììììììììììììììììììììììììì ... and then!? How did you spend this Christmas as never before so little Christmas!?
Here classic family dinner followed by hours of playing cards ... with my father do not know how he always manages to find a way to cheat and make sbellicare with laughter! I realize that my sense of humor, I just got he .. And thank goodness!

of the royal wish to say that Santa Claus has focused on more important things and I am so happy ... no unnecessary material! Besides, as pointed out to me MICROAIR materialists will give them to me when I get my first salary eheheheh!

These days are calm although at times been characterized by a veil of ... I do not know what to call it ... I miss MELANCHOLY!? Uhmmmm let us say so ... the reason is related to the famous meeting of 23 which I have spoken more than once!

The 200 km there and back that I am made to know this guy .. Well believe me when I tell you that never as in this case I have heard them all! Indeed ... I would have also made another 100 if it were possible to go even one more hour! In fact it has been very little time ... speeded up, and considering the effect that is felt when you are comfortable with someone ... Well I am two hours were brief but intense!
He is exactly what I expected for nearly a year of talks over the air ... is very nice, hand, very friendly, gentle, playful, as well as a beautiful boy! If it were not living in Milan .. here I say here and I can confirm this ... I would believe a court's shameless!
do not know if he did the same effect ... I had to dwell on what I wrote in a message after I left I would say that he has spent a pleasant afternoon and was disappointed in the lack of time and distance that separates us!

It is for this reason that every time I took a little sad ... and at the same time wanted to do something ... type catch a plane and spend a weekend with him in Milan! I have already said more than once that for him there are problems ... but before doing that crazy I'll take the first opportunity to ask him directly to avoid tripping over things that are said just to be nice!
Ok I know it probably will be worse after ... but for once I would like to be a little selfish and give me 36 hours with someone that really struck me from the very first time without too many and too many SE MA ... so far so even when they are placed me has not changed a thing!
So I'll keep you updated on this ... who knows that the journey does not insert any other stage from some of you ... ahahhahahahahahaha

There would also be an episode for me to tell me a little unfortunate that ruined the morning of Christmas Eve!
The 24 was scheduled to see me with a boy she knew last summer that the parties fell from Rome ... for me there was no problem but when I sent a text message asking what time we could meet for a coffee he replies with a joke in my opinion a little unhappy ... "For a coffee'!?".
Al I sense immediately that it was not just a satirical take I decided to decline the invitation immediately and very kindly I wish you have happy holidays. He asked me if I was pissed and I pointed out that the ways GARBI should never forget that line at home and that if he could also avoid ...
Not now carry different SMSs, he came to a pseudo-threat of the type "IF YOU SEE THIS TIME THERE WILL BE 'A PROX TIME!" and imagine if you did put myself in the foot over this way ... so with my usual delicacy (bastarda! hihihi) I greeted the ending with "DAI do not want you to waste precious time!" and stop.
then oh well ... the scazzatura I went after a couple of hours because it was not my boyfriend is something neither a friend nor an acquaintance real feel after not having done this summer ... Put it this way ... I started skimming for the new year! PULIZIAAAAAAA PEOPLE! ^____*


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