Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Does A Compere Do?

Cervignano del Friuli, 22/12/10

Subject: Request City Council convened an urgent

The undersigned councilors in this community,

said that

Consortium Treatment Laguna SpA has sent about 800 notices to as many families / citizens cervignanesi with the requirement for connection to the sewerage system of the "Tubone" (Notice under Articles. 5 and 6 of the Rules of sewerage);


encountered a number of technical questions, sometimes with conflicting opinions among the various agencies involved (the City and the Consortium), that some families are facing economic difficulties that make the realization of the least problematic ' speech connection;


the tight deadlines for compliance with the requirements of the Laguna Treatment Consortium SpA


the convening of a municipal council under the terms of existing regulation.

With best regards.

Alberto Rigotti, Andrea Balducci, Candotto Gianni, Luca Covella, Luisa Dal Bello, John D'Ali, and Claudio Zanier Roberto Zorzenon


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