Thursday, December 30, 2010

Niacinamide In Neuropathy


Then people like you are seated for the evening / night tomorrow!? Surely there are those who opted for something more comfortable at home with friends maybe strafogarsi kg of cake and get drunk with liters of sparkling wine, there are those who dimenerĂ  ended up in some disco meet the next morning at the home of a stranger (A good start in the series hahaha), there are those who will be forced to actually work and why not there are those who will not do anything and everything if they stay at home to feel totally alone in the hysteria people that broke out while watching the fireworks Barbara D'Urso sway!

for myself, but I think I'm the only one here, every year the organization of New Year's Eve is more like a birth multiples! Every year we start to talk about 3 months before and phrases that are pronounced the same but are always first and foremost something like "NO NO BUT THIS YEAR WE HAVE ALREADY BEFORE CHRISTMAS 'ORGANIZED EVERYTHING." Every year, then we are reduced to 48 hours after the start of the festivities and believe that for people like me do in advance of arriving for appointments lifestyle is something unnerving!
If this there add that I do not have a party of friends, but basically a couple of friends with whom I go out usually the result is depressing! Yes .. yesterday morning because you know that if they do not know anything yet and the prospect that was becoming dangerously to avoid a non EMERITUS MIN ***!!!
has fallen short, as usual I download a sim between left and right call for info etc, search the web and in the event may move to obtain the necessary pre-sales!
And I know how difficult to agree with a lot of heads ... If all goes well the place is not good price, if all goes well the price is not right place, if van good place and price not good distance and so on ad infinitum! Conclusion
at 19 last night the situation was as follows:
  • yes and no I had a 15in calls everywhere.
  • My friend A. would not go out no one knows why.
  • After a while I send a text message saying he wanted to come do not know why.
  • It was decided to go the hard agreeing on the price (23 euro), despite the 80 km we would have had to pass then after midnight.
  • A. creates problems because her friend wanted to come to us with his car and then we would have moved all with mine, but she was afraid to move it after midnight alone, so we asked if we could go. But imagine if that was the problem!
  • My other friend M. was untraceable because it was in the gym and was waiting for the response of another girl.
  • the Pierre with whom I had contacted me urges to communicate within a certain time the exact number of pre-sales we needed because they were almost exhausted.
In the midst of this chaos I contact a friend of mine went down from London for Christmas and I am informed that there is a theme party (mind you huh hahaha) called THE CIRCUS OF ALICE two walk from my home town and I called for the group! After 10 minutes to convince me. With 35 € is planned initial buffet and then dance all night in the midst of my "LIKE"!

Can I be honest?! I was disappointed more for my friend M. (Not that I'm not sorry for the other course) but it was the only one with me has made the commitment in seeking a viable arrangement for everybody, but working up to 19 had just enough time to call and so on.
For the rest, however I wanted for once in my life thought for a moment to myself and do not let me load of indecision others.
When choosing a purely hypothetical event that would force me to go to Lecce alone this morning in haste and fury to purchase presale probably not before 1000 made other calls and sending another 1000 sms & a night safe walking distance from my home town in the company of my friend and his party in that environment is a long time since I had curiosity to peek ... Well said my friend as A. I'VE MADE MY CHOICE! I will surely have caused the incazzatura someone but I think I deserve a bit of fun in peace without having to jump through hoops every time!

And you did!?


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