Tuesday, January 4, 2011

9 Dpo Watery Cervical Mucus


When you think that there is an end to the worst that can not be denied on time!
That of 2010 will be remembered as the New Year "from school! Why?! I will explain immediately!

Despite the mess that I just talked to arrive alive and well in the evening of the 31 (pseudo fever treated between disorganization and a pop of paracetamol!) With great enthusiasm the moment has arrived! But maybe .. and just maybe ... would have been better the other way! Ahahahahah
The evening was for me a nice FIASCO, a failure, a DESOLATION!
Ok ... the organizer told us about a "WHAT RESTRICTED" miseriaccia but when we entered the room (next to a church) we looked dazed expression on his face with the series "OK, but WAY 'is a little' TROOOOOPPO RESTRICTED ".
We would have been yes and no a hundred people and told you everything!
Basically we just eat until 11.30 (and we rebuilt the buffet to get those disbursed € 35 course) and drank and danced just an hour before and after midnight.
Probably the most exciting moment of the whole evening was a delay of 5 minutes with which we celebrated the arrival of the new year with sparklers in hand and a glass of prosecco!
The things I remember in any order of the pseudo-third party for media is:
  • The little show of danceable drag that besides being of sows did not know how bad I miss dancing.
  • my unfortunate companions of the evening that I have chased me drinking half a glass of prosecco.
  • A little chap just pricey I've fixed all the time and I would like to start a conversation of some kind ...
  • The pleasant feeling of being courted by someone on the track while they dance.
  • The music business but going back to the opposite piece of history with modern MADONNA HUNG UP.
  • Having made friends with a good group of guys.
  • expectancy should come infarturare the pastor of the church and in front of such great blasphemy! Hahaha
  • Me and my friend we decided to give 1 .30 for the CIRCUS go home.
course ... There also was the most 'TRASH OF 2010! Close your eyes and imagine the scene:
The undersigned is dancing and approached by a guy (also pricey) that makes me "Sorry, MY FRIEND WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A PICTURE WITH YOU, YOU SHOULD!?" and I mention that a kindly nod when turning around to the side, I realize that the friend in question was a drag of about 2 meters, disguised as do not know what that makes me smile like this
and myself that replicates all the colors of the rainbow in the face with embarrassment. At the end of the photo with my smile that has won the first prize for the most fake smile in the history of the party I did, feeling then tell the guy with the camera "KNOW YOU ARE VERY MALE JACKET WITH THIS !"...

ragaSSuoli So my ... for me it was a good New Year and in spite of this disappointment it was clearly a new club night in a disco as it should be the day after the Gay Day, if they have not done anything and AMEN ...

And you!? At least you tell me that you have enjoyed it anyway ... everywhere ... in each lake ... ah no that's what n'altra! Aahahahah

PS I have yet to unveil a few days ago GUSTOSISSSSSSSIMA NEWS!


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