Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Much Is A Package Of Sugar

ROME 21-23 January 2011

the weekend in Rome went GREAT!

Friday, just arrived in the capital, we made it a whirl since the friend that we would host would return home no earlier than 20.
After dinner with a pizza, we decided to go dancing ... hear hear ... the COW! And to say that I enjoyed is saying anything! I finally realized my dream ... to be able to dance freely on a continuous mix of Britney, GAGA, Rihanna etc. ... thing in my part is practically impossible, because they have to do only the snobs, and host house dj "I'm a dick," pass me the mild expletive.
Ok ... at 4 am I was already out is not used to dance for so many hours without the aid of alcohol, but it was fantastic ... music, local, people known and NOT ONLY ............. ^___*

Saturday morning, after going to bed at 7, we were awakened by a rally against mosques around the house at 9 ... and leave you to imagine the curses that are flown by all!
After a breakfast / lunch and Mr. ALLIMPROVVISO I went out to take another walk around the city. In the evening we celebrated the birthday of the friend who hosted us. Party organized its own home-style American film short. I can not explain how the condominiums have not called the police for the casino has created, among a hundred people around the house, loud music, shouting, dancing, alcohol, a go-go and smoke everywhere. The undersigned at all excited about the brothel at 3 am was destroyed .. from sleep and fatigue but also by the smoke, so that at some point I'm locked in the bathroom 10 minutes tossing his head out the window to breathe. The guests have gone around 4:30 am when I was already collapsed in a corner surrounded by my Mr. Alli.

Sunday morning inevitably we were standing at 9.30. The time to make a quick breakfast we went to the bus stop to go to the airport well in advance though as there is no adequate connections and not wanting to miss the flight.

so short story was undoubtedly a Toccata and Fugue ... but this is only a short summary of the two most 'beautiful days I spent in the last few years!
For further information please refer to the prox post! ^___*


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