Thursday, January 13, 2011

Air Brake Flight Sim X


F. Once upon a time! No worry is not dead ... wanted to be a poetic way to start this post here ...
can refer a person alive after two years of the beauty of the closure of knowledge!? I answer my own ... NO. CAN NOT '. ABSOLUTELY NO. E 'humanly inconceivable.
do not know if I get the idea! : D

But let's step back. You should know that F. is a guy I met in November 2008. There was an immediate affinity in conversation and soon we met in person to know.
The first period was filled with evenings spent in the car's arms to cuddle. I liked and so well! I made a sharer in his daily life in every way. From the outset, however, was very clear in explaining that he did not want a story view the prospect of moving to Rome in January and despite my two attempts to kiss never happened anything physical that would go more than a hug or a caress. This does not remove the fact that the relationship that was to create was VERY VERY close and intensive!
The first few weeks were nothing short of fantastic for myself .. but you know ... a little all the knowledge initially show only the positive aspects of a person.
In reality (and only to look back and I can objectively say it) proved to be a boy with many problems of trust, jealous of a relationship that did not exist, infatile and somewhat disrespectful.
enough to remember the time when
  • gave out a transsexual
  • if took her to death why do not I invited him out to a group (in which I only knew a friend of mine) insinuating that I wanted to do an orgy
  • first made him kiss it and then wanted me to go through what I had not value to that gesture
  • etc etc etc
The latest episode in chronological order, the straw that broke the camel was actually a bullshit when viewed in isolation. He had worked voluntarily at a discount to buy a perfume I was looking for a while ... Alas for that perfume I've never seen track if not for essermelo bought mine! Once on the pretext that her aunt had broken a perfume skatole perfume, once there was a delay of 10 days, another was going to take it because he had not done in time, another had left him by a friend, another I forgot to ask before leaving his house and he also happens to ... in short, in short, spent 2 ½ months until, at a time when relations were very loose because of his change of direction towards a friend who was in a difficult period (practically spent all day every day from her ) I do not scoglionai and asked him straight out to give me that damn smell!
For about a week he could not find it virtually never available, despite my commitment to go to him (at 15 km from my city). Finally, after an exchange of text messages not exactly friendly when I went to his home in the evening I was his mother who kindly gave me a white envelope from his son. In the envelope was no money I had given him to buy the perfume and a short note in which he told me that only in the afternoon he realized that his aunt had given her perfume in the female and that she had not noticed because wrapped the gift card and apologized for the lost time and trouble!
For about 10 minutes by car I do not remember how many FUCK uttered (without thinking about what I thought!) And decided to close it there permanently! It lasted just a little because Scazzi that evening I met the guy who became my boyfriend ... even if for only two months .. and even there there would have to tell .. but we pass them by!
Obviously I expected a few text messages at least on his part ... but after waiting a few days it erased from anywhere in the first of my head! And from that day has not done more to hear.
The conclusion is that it was the classic type Immature, which is one thing but want another ... or you may not even know what he wants ... the classic type ... Undecided the classic type that tells you and shows you that there is both physical and mental attraction but do not want a story ... the classic type that behaves like a boyfriend making you weigh out each and every new acquaintance, who claims to know everything about what you do or say and that every little imcomprensione behaves like a child of five years ... the classic type that takes for granted that they should always be others to do the first move to clarify ... the classic type that has never done a mile to see the person you say you want a good soul and said to be special. A shit up!

This obviously is a very small hint of the pseudo knowledge / relationship for better or worse, has characterized cmq few months of my life! But a few weeks ago when it was remade alive ... well ... I realized that is not shit ... but it has its serious brain disorder! Want to know why!? I will explain the message to message Next post ...

Meanwhile proposing the initial application .. HAS MEANING ACCORDING TO REFER YOU LIVE AFTER SO 'so long!?


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