Monday, January 31, 2011

What Does Cm Look Like In The Day Af Is Due

Pinocchio meets the jackals (an episode of Collodi's book that you did not know)

Jackals ...

This is beautiful. Ask to do your job, and you prevent getting caught by the well of the Jackal. In fact, three newspapers on Sunday, January 30 local networks to unified, the opposition gave Paviotti behavior by "political profiteering." Urca Peppa, not little. The subject, needless to say, is the closure of the Middle School G. Via Randaccio of Udine, on which, on the contrary, we observed a prolonged silence responsibly than twenty days. And, you see, just to avoid the risk of using the affair.

Dear Mayor, just to start and help loving teach anything, let a note of ethology: the jackals of the world began, immediately pounces on its prey, not after 3 weeks ...

Jackals ...

But what happened? Why do you have in common the dreaded Paviotti canid (Canis aureus), widespread in Africa? One would expect that you have stolen a coffin from the cemetery in Arona, or you have caught inside a house in New Orleans during the days of the flooding of the Mississippi ...

But no, you just asked to be able to make an inspection within the School G. Randaccio ... public place, owned by the city administration.

But we try, where possible, to put some 'order in the matter and to unveil some of the lies of our new Pinocchio.

The press ...

Saturday, January 8, 2011, we learn from the press that part of the ceiling of the classroom that houses the class a ^ F collapsed. The mayor released a note where it says, very Strictly that "... during the night between 29 and December 30 came off the ceiling, a part of brick and plaster .. .. "

  • Well information that we have taken on site, the collapse would have occurred a day before, 28 (this changes little, but speaks volumes sull'approssimazione with which he handled the whole affair since its occurrence).
  • There is one particular, very important, that has not yet been clarified, concerns the extent of the fall and the amount of "brick and plaster" that would fall on the floor. In the official statement of the mayor, the amount is indefinite. It speaks broadly of "... part of plaster and brick."
  • causes. Also from the laconic statement we learn that "... the break is due to a number of reasons including thermal shock ... "For pity's sake, could you tell us what are the other causes? Or ask too much?
  • In response accompanying the first "niet" to the survey, Paviotti says literally that the engineers in charge: ... have discussed the issue after several inspections and issue a detailed report that will certainly be given . I can assure you that a month from happening and to work virtually completed, the report, of course, it will NOT have been provided.

Eleven blackout days ... (or lack of transparency).

In any event, the day of the event at the time the news becomes public is 11 (eleven) long days, that a public administrator worthy of the name, they represent a geological era. Just for the record, we must point out that between December 29 and January 7, there was a City Council nor the mayor nor any commissioner, have uttered a word.

In the meantime, however, and in secret (as if it were a private matter), the mayor convened its technical staff (including some who had planned the ceiling anchored to the brick collapsed ...) and take the solution that we all know: a network to prevent further falls of "brick and plaster" and move the student body concerned at the Freight. The removal of some classes at the Freight is a good solution (I recognize), but we must not forget the rest ...

For example ...

Bricks plaster and, yes, but how?

You can find out how much stuff has fallen?

The number of versions given by the mayor and his entourage in the days after the fact, has the extraordinary. At every turn, the area affected by the collapse is growing day by day ... see for yourself.

Pinocchio's lies.

  • first version (of the series "Suffice to say that ...") seems to fall a vague " part of brick and plaster" (as reported already mentioned above) ;
  • second version (the series "We do not create alarms)" sources close to the mayor spoke of two pieces of brick and plaster the size of a notebook (small ones, of course);
  • third version (from the series: "Ok, ok, was not so ... ") during the meeting of Monday, January 10 with her parents, the mayor said of a surface" as big as a chair;
  • Fourth version (of the series "All right, increase a little while, but then just ... "): all'incalzare questions without any embarrassment, he denies, and fixes on the rise again in During the same meeting, the mayor correcting the previous statement (a few minutes before), saying that the ceiling tile fall was about " 1 to 2 meters " ;
  • Fifth version (of the series "We did not have cordella metric ..."). But after hearing what the manager says nientepopodimenoche of Public Works on 28 January (and puts it well in writing): " Although he has not made specific measures concerned about the portion of the ceiling, from what I saw I think that the surface can have to work around 4.00 to 4.50 square meters. "understood? These "experts" have made a test so accurate that they measured, as they say, "eye." In any case, denying once again the mayor, the area increases further.
  • Sixth version: the real one, that this step forward, you'll never know ...

Requests for inspection: Niet , niet.

Good. Now we turn to popular requests for inspection that have infuriated the mayor to push it up to accuse the opposition Action as "political profiteering."

think, they were 3 weeks that we had there on the tip of the tongue and could not wait to spit out: "Jackals" (Maybe liberation finally could not take any more ... )

But let's get the facts

Also in the findings of fact, our Pinocchio plays with the dates and reversed at will. and dates, events in series like this are important. But you know, when one has to put in place too many pieces, he loses track of time well.

Rewind the tape.

  • Saturday, Jan. 8 - After hearing the news from the press, the opposition leader, Alberto Rigotti, make the mayor's request to make an inspection. After a few minutes from the Kremlin came to Independence Square Dry (via mail) the first "niet". The mayor maintains that "the city councilors are concerned with political and not technical." Not at all shy, and despite the ban, three city councilors (Rigotti, Balducci and Dal Bello), the same day, traveling at the school, but in fact they see nothing of what happened in the infamous 1 ^ F. Some say that the ceiling was restored quickly and cleverly, the inert material of the collapse had mysteriously vanished, the floor was polished. In true Soviet style, there is nothing to see, because nothing has happened. Here, for the record, we were still in the "Version No. 2 " when the collapse was similar to an area equal to a notebook (with small leaves) and hence our Pinocchio tells yet another lie when he claims that the Dean would go with some councilors upstairs for a quick "tour" (which, it happens exactly one week later).

  • next Saturday, Jan. 15 - Two city councilors (Rigotti and Balducci) seek an interview with the Headmaster. After expressing their disappointment at the absence of transparency and their concern over the incident, asked to see the classrooms on the first floor. No problem, please, the Executive Directors to accompany the second floor. We think: "You see that in the end the grip is loose and you can visit?". The focus is on the ceiling of the classroom 1 ^ F. The surface was much larger of 2.5 square meters corresponding to the latest version of the long series that makes it less credible now, whatever. Of course, impossible to measure, much less photograph ... even we had been at the Pentagon or, more likely, at the headquarters of the KGB.
  • The following Saturday, January 22, acting as visiting other councilors to check the status of work, far from wanting to publish anything in print (or on our blog). Just set foot inside the school there is a final notice "Alt." Absolute prohibition of view the first floor. Order of the mayor who, apparently, has inflicted on the school manager (guilty of having accompanied the two directors on the top floor) a strong reprimand. Retrace our steps, far from wanting groped forcing it against the ban intimatoci from friendly support staff of Randaccio. Salute.
  • Monday, January 24. Taking note of the second prohibition, the advisers Rigotti, Balducci and Dal Bello, the mayor shall make a new request for inspection. But after a few hours, it reaches the new rigid categorical "niet".
  • The Town Clerk, summoned, she endorsed the mayor with the reasoning that concludes: "I think the question of the refusal in question does not comply with the technical aspects or legitimacy, but to aspects of political since, if it is true that there are no explicit rules on the right of access to premises by the city councilors, the satisfaction of such requests may fall within the discretion of the Mayor who will in turn aspects of opportunity, security, emergency, etc. .. "

We rubbed his eyes and try to unclog the ears, when in fact we have understood very well: " ... may fall within the discretion of the mayor who will in turn ... "

control: the mail Cuba does not arrive by the Prevent access to a public place like a school can not fall within the discretion of the mayor alleges that, as the only argument (semi-serious), security reasons.

But if any of you have seen how to block access to the first floor? A desk set sideways on the steps leading upstairs and a white ribbon and red, rather than a site with ongoing work, reminiscent of a gift bag hastily opened. Anyone, if desired, could access it without any difficulty. No yard sign, no indication of danger. Nothing at all.

probably live out of this world or in a size that does not cross that of our mayor, but before the second request for inspection denied with overwhelming appreciation from the mayor and before yet another unjustified refusal, we been silenced. And we trusted the press. That's it, honestly. And we conclude.

Ethology shows, once again ...

Before parting, a final clarification to clarify when the mayor gives little interest in opposition to the Middle School boys Randaccio: Dear Piero, once again ethology teaches us something good. You must know that jackals, as blamed, vilified, unwanted and hated, they care for their pups.

who tells lies, on the contrary, the sole objective of maintaining close and as long as possible, its own armchair.

The Altrametà

PS: The golden jackal, entered the Italian territory only since the early eighties, is already in danger because for many local hunters is a potential competitor. We protect the species, which is perhaps useful to encourage greater transparency of who is moving in the undergrowth of urban politics.


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