Monday, January 17, 2011

Use Rogaine And Revita

Letter to the Mayor

[letter from Alexander May (Emma's mom)] Good morning Mayor

'm one of those moms happy and proud to have her daughter entered kindergarten municipal The Jasmine Settignano. Happy until they return from Christmas holidays, when accompanying my daughter Emma nursery with a warm handshake by the coordinator of the nursery area have learned that the teacher reference Cuckold Dress her had been, from one day to tomorrow and without notice to us as parents, for other structure.
I have recently changed residence from Lecce in Florence, is one of those moms "emigrated" and then with family of origin and subsequent points of reference distant parenting in this situation is doubly difficult because I was at war with the daily growth of a child without the family support necessary to address and peacefully resolve the little conflicts that daily grass in a mother is having to deal with your puppy. When I entered kindergarten Emma I found the environment friendly and supportive to the family so well described in the paper the services in the nursery and I was able to see that it was not just fine words, but a real, accompanying the growth of my child as an individual along with that my and my husband as parents.
I found in Dress her and Cristina (the other nanny) for the support that I missed peacefully resolve the whims of a small child of 16 months have taught me to read his demands for attention, without falling into the blackmail that our little tyrants like to propose (and who is a parent knows!). I've always found them in a calm and coherent response to my doubts and my fears.
can then imagine the sense of defeat and discouragement in seeing what time I shattered a relationship built during these hard months for a silly reason such as reorganization of the staff.
And where is the centrality of the child?
What importance does the government trust relationship established between workers and family?
How is the continuity of an educational project in this way?
There is nothing to do with the bitter observation that fine words are intended to remain on paper.

Sincerely. Alessandra

May (mother of Emma)


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