Thursday, January 20, 2011

Can You Run Milk Through A Keurig


In the series when you least expect it ... SBAMMM ... happens all that you wanted for so long! Ok ... maybe not all but most of what you want!

start from the fact that ... drum roll ............................................... . I will be in Rome this weekend! Well yes! To do that you ask?! Ehmmmmmmmmmmmm .. good question ... ahahahaahhhaahah
Ok I believe we need from the beginning otherwise I would take a fool ... for those who already do not think so! LOL

MAYBE the disastrous and bleak New Year has had its positive aspects! That evening I met several friends of a friend of mine (excuse the pun!) And like most of you know me the next day they are also found on facebook. You should know that I am a big joker and my comments, 90% of the time are very humorous, sarcastic, witty .. Cazzari short, and this thing seems to attract the attention of many children and could not be otherwise because my photos are not visible if not as friends!
And one of my comments seems to have hit on Mr.ALLIMPROVVISO with which it all started with a msg saying his quote "AH PERO '... CONGRATULATIONS!".
From there a short chat chat, exchange msn contacts until you get to a meeting in person last Friday, during which we walked in the center of Lecce at least two hours (do not know how many kilometers we have traveled, but trust me if you I say that at the end of the evening was destroyed, not to mention a few hours earlier I had given in with the legs in the gym!), something to put under your teeth, a lot of chatter, many interests in common and a kiss in the car came after two hours of speeches are often meaningless due to embarrassment and lack of resourcefulness of both! Let's face it ... we practically set from the first moment we set foot in the car and the vibrations, the attraction was and HOW! Too bad that I am seldom make the first move, and indeed to focus on his paranoia on the SE, about how, when and so on. The kiss, which I can not deny it was really SENTITISSIMO, came when I asked if I could hug him to say hello ...... e. BOOM! ^ __ ^
shame that we released a little later I am having to necessarily go back home! In short, we lost a little too tongue is ... eheheh

The desire to meet again soon materialize on Sunday. We spent the first afternoon in the company of his friends to chat, to drink something hot and make a shopping tour and after we left on our own. He took me on the boardwalk and we were talking from 18.30 to 22.30, all interspersed with continuous KISSES & CUDDLES.
And I can say with confidence ... A PLEASURE begins in earnest!
I like the fact that it is left without any expectations, if not to know him and spend some time in good company.
I Like the fact that we have many things in common .. from movies to music, family situation to the path of individual life, irony to sarcasm, by the attraction to the calm with which we are approaching ...
He won his want me to kiss every red light and not as me back to my car.
I like his head .. as a reason ... the speeches that made me until now.
He won his "I WANT spoil yourself!"


This premise was necessary therefore, as Tuesday while talking the cell asked me what I had to do the prox weekend intending to go with him to Rome.
There and then I had a moment of hesitation for two reasons alone: \u200b\u200bthe engagement with the study should not be underestimated and budget. But he was cute and told me that I could think about it until the evening so you can even book a flight with a little advance.
I did my due deliberation, and conclusion which are then arrived, as you may have guessed, is that I gladly accepted! ^___^
As far as the studio ... OK it is important to be consistent and not lose too much time, but usually on Saturdays and Sundays, I devote myself more to a review of what I studied during the week, so in the end lose only half Friday, and will certainly not be the one to decide the success of the examination COMMERCIAL LAW (which will open up a quick post more there!).
As instead regards the purely economic ... well ... by a little bit angry and I think I deserve a simple weekend in the capital without being overwhelmed by feelings of guilt! After all, beyond the university accumulated delay, I am doing my duty with a seriousness criterion. For the rest, my reflection hides a very clear question!? WHAT "I've had" FROM THESE YEARS!?
I graduated before the others.
not go Friday, Saturday and Sunday on local disk or as many of my friends.
not spend shopping and spreads out of control, each doing my thing I'd like to have, but ... someone less intelligent may mock knowing just how rich my wardrobe!
I have not found anyone special with which to build something special and enduring.

What should I feel guilty AT THE BOTTOM!? Want to have some experience having the opportunity!? Did not want to get to 30-35 years without putting hardly ever stepped outside the city walls!? AND PRO??

I decided that 2011 would be the year of chance, THE TRIAL, THE NEW ', love, fun, a bit more' of Selfishness ... this trip and I think that could fall into one of these "About"!

PS But then especially want to underestimate the wonderful opportunity to spend 48 hours together with Mr.ALLIMPROVVISO !?!?!?



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