Saturday, January 15, 2011

Holllywood Waxing Phortos


Where were we?! Oh yeah ... F. that after two years has remade alive!
Here you are one of the funniest comedies in which he has witnessed in recent times ...

December 7, 2010
despite the time elapsed since that last time .... I never forget you ... nn hours I want to bring up the 'cause for how it happened ....................... I just wanted to tell you that I really wanted a lot of good .... for both of us at that time we have spent a great time .... if you're asking 'cause I make me feel ... I do not know ........ honestly I only know that I was often to see your pictures what you did .... and how you were ... I also asked several times to inquire .... xxxxx You were a person too expensive for me .... to of the reason that led us to take different paths to get away ... I REALLY wanted! well I WANTED TO TELL YOU THIS! I WOULD LIKE TO SAY a lot to tell .... Actually ..... nn although never know if you respond to this message ..... .................................................. ................... hours for a hug ..... and a dip in the past through November Giusi ferreri ............ will always be part of my life ... even though we lost .......................... awkward hug you!

December 14, 2010
not think they do not deserve even a reply ..... a fuck .... total indifference ....... at least express a concept kualkosa have always proved to be a mature guy .................................... Please .... I'll kiedo
January 6, 2011
ke're the pride you eat and many times you yourself said you knew me, but I stayed ke kosi silent ...... No waiting for me,,, at least sn calarmene was me ............ mankoun vaffankulo but ..... and if you thought the ke indifference would be a right move to do in my konfronti,,, you were wrong .......... you sn ... honest I told you to anek xxxxxx ... of sta kosa ... there remained a bit ... your silence ... anke nn if and 'wanted to express that much ... Perko, n konosceva ttuti details .... and did well .. however, a minimum could deign anke ... tell me to piss koglione nn,,,
At this point despite the total indifference to his ravings and his words, I wanted to at least "worthy of a response as he wrote ...
Feel F. I have nothing to say and therefore I have not felt the need to respond. Point. There was no need for force that sends you to hell because you understand that I do not care to establish any kind of relationship with you. I hope you now is clear!
Obviously one of the reasons why I initially avoided to answer is that I knew that by doing so I would have given way to attack button .. . and another he did not expect ...

I do not understand this evil your free ..... beyond how they are bent to the report, to whose fault it yet nor do I understand the nn nn I fucking kuello kapito unn ke and 'success ... But crchero 'to respect you and I take away' from under his balls .... but I repeat, it seems to me all of you ...... exaggerated kosi unless you carry rabies ke Ankora ... I and nn 'sovereign!
And if I do not understand I can not do anything without considering that the time to understand and ask for clarification if I wanted to be there was and how, because we are not talking weeks, or months but years!
said that I wish not to receive other msg from you from now on. Thank you and good continuation
sn happened many Kose, in recent periods kuesti ,,,,,, ke I put a touch of Mankato .. konfronti in your ..... maybe there sn Kose,, k and 'not more ... kome recover you ... you sn frankie honest .. I am very sorry ... ke kol and mature over time, many Kose .... In the meantime I had to make a change in my life, so 'ke sn gone from toast, and I live in Rome .... Monday return to Rome .... I just wanted to tell you despite your harden in my konfronti .... ke kasa my door, and empre's open ... No I hate you,, I WANT IT ... I just wanted to let you know, sometimes ke ... nelal life ... betook himself empre need kualkuno ... maybe one day you will understand ... or maybe not .. however, square kilometers, know that you saw ke roma liked, you can come Kuando want ... nn so I left perk traskorrere kosi so long, but then,,, maybe they should go the ksoe kosi,, nn so kosa strakazzo Manko I is successful, of precise .... but I always, always kiesto ttuti to you,,,, you knew voelvo ke,, ke kuel xxxxxx for me was always kept up to date, and she had always told me ke from the beginning but made to feel AWKWARD kon and I said to myself,, nn so if you ail Kaso, and eventually Kolpa 'my .. sq. km ... if you want me like I have to remove from under koglioni ... I do .......... I kqm, if ever I leave perk you want it .... but there are always ..... cmq
Now ... forgetting how to say the least ILLEGIBLE where she wrote (dear Lorenzo that is what I was talking about!) so much so that there was a close one that did not use the Rosetta Stone to decipher some passages ... for me all these speeches are meaningless precisely because of the time spent! As I said in comments to previous post ... does not solve everything with an apology, clarification ... there are ways to respect and above all time! Obviously everyone has his day ... but it is also true that everyone is aware that his timing could not easily match those of the other person ....
Conclusion: The trains run only once! In the limit can also make a stop a short distance, but if you do not run on time you risk losing it forever!
But do you believe that the thing was over here!? MAAAAGAAAARIIII!
That same day I posted a status on facebook that said "But the people send to hell THAT AFTER YEARS RIFA 'VIVA!? BUT WERE GOOD OR WHAT!? BAH" ... and from there soon ... All hell broke loose ...



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