Thursday, January 13, 2011

Official Symbol In Volleyball

Once upon a time

... There was once a kindergarten named Jasmine in Settignano and there were 19 children who were accompanied there every morning happy and content to spend part of their day with their loved ones "nannies" Dress her name, Christina, and Carla.

Everything is going well, inclusion, games, songs, readings, discovery, the first small autonomy in the wash and eat ... and a thousand other things already documented in numerous photos on the walls of asylum ... until the day before the great feast of Christmas Holidays where all parents were also present, sharing in a truly peaceful atmosphere.

But as in all fairy tales, here comes the bad part ...
January 10, 2011, the first day back from vacation, the reception of parents and children was Mrs. Lucia (nursery coordinator) that says these very words: "I have bad news for you, 's Reference Dress her teacher was transferred and Carla is the contract expires, there will not even her ... "
Ehhhh?? We got it right?? Of course, because even if the children are young and still speak a little already understand everything.
And that's just a matter of organizational personnel (mid-year ?????)!!!! Why ???????
The sadness and disappointment fills every hour corner of asylum, with expressions of disbelief and even dried all (everyone) parents.

There were once three nannies and now remains only two nannies with other "new" completely unknown to children and parents.
Now what do I do? What is it worth entering? And the promises of continuity? And the educational project?? And the Dress her? Why all this?

The spell is broken, but just like in a fairy tale can now reach the magic because with all my heart the children and parents want to embrace the nanny Dress her, after all this time there is a strong bond of affection and trust .

Now dear Dr. Molinari Mayor Matthew and dear, you come along: NOW you can bring the nanny Dress her children and bring back the serenity, because the good of children and 'The Most' IMPORTANT.

you write the ending of this story, make sure that all children remain a beautiful memory of their first school experience.

We all await your response together with confidence, thanks to the children of the nursery
Jasmine Alexander, Bernard, Catherine Darius, Duccio, Augusto Gabriel, Emma, \u200b\u200bFabio, Jade, Julia, Lapo, Manuel, Manuel Sylvester, Peter, Sophia, Stella, Teresa, Thomas, Valentino.


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