Saturday, January 8, 2011

Best Mid Budget Cell Phones


I anticipated an interesting NEWSSS about me!

I go straight to the point: between 11 and 13 March of that I will be in MILAN! To do that you'll certainly ask!? SEEEEGREEEEEEEETOOOOOOOOO! Ahahahahahaah joke! : D
Remember that guy who lives in Milan but was dropped for the holidays here in Salento!? The boy with whom I had the appointment on December 23!? The guy with whom I spent two hours beautiful!? HERE ... PAUL call it from now on!
accommodating to his house and then spend a weekend together ... to be that it is not known because of the possibility that in the meantime he is committed to someone ... I would have some doubts about me but you never know hahaha!
So let us take it as it is ... at worst I'd cmq a couple of days in a city that I always had curiosity to visit (even to touch, and here I started with allusions, life gay underground)! At best .. well ... in that case leave it to God! Ahahahhaaha


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