- yes and no I had a 15in calls everywhere.
- My friend A. would not go out no one knows why.
- After a while I send a text message saying he wanted to come do not know why.
- It was decided to go the hard agreeing on the price (23 euro), despite the 80 km we would have had to pass then after midnight.
- A. creates problems because her friend wanted to come to us with his car and then we would have moved all with mine, but she was afraid to move it after midnight alone, so we asked if we could go. But imagine if that was the problem!
- My other friend M. was untraceable because it was in the gym and was waiting for the response of another girl.
- the Pierre with whom I had contacted me urges to communicate within a certain time the exact number of pre-sales we needed because they were almost exhausted.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Niacinamide In Neuropathy
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Kidde Smoke Alarm Disable

At the end of the municipal council of the pre-Christmas December 22 last year, the Parent Alberto Rigotti lodged in the hands of the Secretary General of the Municipality of Cervignano del Friuli, Dr. . Anthony Taverna, the request for a Autoconvocate Council City on the theme of connections to Tubone.
A burning issue on which the majority glissando, pretending nothing, leaving 800 people in a jungle full of regulations and bureaucratic obstacles, above all, by not providing any assistance, and indeed the confusion with contradictory compared to those from the Tubone (CAFC hours, ie Aqueduct Consortium Friuli Centrale).
The petition, signed by all directors of opposition (see post below), Paviotti forced to hastily convene a City Council for the hours of 18.30 hours Monday, January 3, 2011.
entire town is invited to attend.
The Altrametà
What Does A Compere Do?
Cervignano del Friuli, 22/12/10
Subject: Request City Council convened an urgent
The undersigned councilors in this community,
said that
Consortium Treatment Laguna SpA has sent about 800 notices to as many families / citizens cervignanesi with the requirement for connection to the sewerage system of the "Tubone" (Notice under Articles. 5 and 6 of the Rules of sewerage);
encountered a number of technical questions, sometimes with conflicting opinions among the various agencies involved (the City and the Consortium), that some families are facing economic difficulties that make the realization of the least problematic ' speech connection;
the tight deadlines for compliance with the requirements of the Laguna Treatment Consortium SpA
the convening of a municipal council under the terms of existing regulation.
With best regards.
Alberto Rigotti, Andrea Balducci, Candotto Gianni, Luca Covella, Luisa Dal Bello, John D'Ali, and Claudio Zanier Roberto Zorzenon
Which Coco Butter Removes Dark Spots
I BIDONARI. Well, yes ... not one but three!
D. EX aka the historian who has returned to prominence after his story (the one they gave me some years ago) has been wrecked. I've lost count of how many calls made to see me m'abbia including the historic invitation to his degree! But I think that after nearly four years after the end of this horrible lies and more lies I was presenting in the midst of friends who meet those horrid!? BUT NO! But I guess in the end he understood that they are now seen several months ago that you do not hear anymore! Better!
P. The typical Internet users know that continues indefinitely until it reveals the opportunity of seeing in person. And in that one occasion we ended up in bed! Here! Ahahahahahah
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Reduce Prolonged Swelling
of the royal wish to say that Santa Claus has focused on more important things and I am so happy ... no unnecessary material! Besides, as pointed out to me MICROAIR materialists will give them to me when I get my first salary eheheheh!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Shark Steamer For Walls

Dear readers, we give you (not without satisfaction) that our Blog has reached and exceeded its goal of 11,000 visits flattering. Onset (March 2010) to date, The Altrametà was "clicked" on average 1,200 times a month. An unexpected result that goes beyond the wildest dreams of the day before.
Moreover, information about our activities was a promise we made during the election campaign and it was our duty to maintain it.
The number of your visits urges us to move forward, with difficulty, but with equal tenacity.
However, we recognize that we must improve and we will continue to listen and appreciate your suggestions, comments, suggestions, tips for signs of dissent and adjustments.
Thank you very much.
keep reading.
The Altrametà
Vision Looks Like Kalediscope

rains in the wet. And 'the case to say it. After the crematorium whose spending tripled in less than two months, a House of Music is not sound proof, now we will also put the roof of the Palace which lets rainwater. The news is a bit 'antiquated, but it's worth telling.
brings us to the facts. Wednesday, December 8 last year, to 18.30 it was to play the game of basketball for the league Series C, between ABC and UBC Cervignano Udine on the floor of the Sports Hall of Piazzale Lancers d'Aosta.

But the field was impractical. The roof, like a sieve, letting the rain made it prohibitive and dangerous conditions of the pitch.

The show offered as a pre-game, understood as the transfer of athletes, officials and the public, it was not the best, especially for a municipal authority that is investing € million in questionable public works, leaving in total abandonment sports facilities that would need to postponed maintenance.
The altrametà
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Vision Looks Like Kaleidiscope
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dental Offices Requiring Sterilization Techs
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Complete Sample Vote Of Thanks Speech For Wedding
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Barwick Grandfather Clock Model 4878
Remember the House of Music? D oveva be inaugurated in 2009. Then in April of this year ... then again in September ... it seemed that December is the date final. But nothing, nothing yet ...

In the course of a few "test" conducted to assess the acoustic structure and the isolation of a millionaire, there have been some embarrassing situations to say the least. Inside House of Music can be heard clearly the cars parked in the space behind the doors closing, people talking. And we're talking about sounds completely normal and predictable in an urban environment like the one in which the property is located.
But the problem may be very marginal and insignificant, if it were a warehouse for agricultural implements, or if the structure is not cost nearly 2 million € uro and if the 'sound insulation was not included as a priority in the Acoustic Report was an integral part of the Final Design / Executive.

During the now famous "test" has been able to verify that the House of Music is inexplicably permeable when the bells of the nearby cathedral and the roar of airplanes flying over the skies of our city. It is not really the maximum for a structure that would rank among the best recording studios entire region Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Unfortunately, the problem of sound insulation also affects the interior of the House of Music: in fact, even the rehearsal would not be adequately isolated from each other and, therefore, during the registration would not be possible to use both spaces for music and, even during the simple tests, would enter the rooms conflicting.
If we consider that the report states: "The choice of material was made according to the characteristics of absorbing" and "all the structures of separation between these local have been studied from the standpoint of their ability to sound insulation and have been prepared of specific "packages" of sound insulation, to comic are final.
If there is a similarity allowed, it would be like buying a Ferrari, but pedal.
Epper, and for a Ferrari Pedal for a House of Music vulnerable to the sound of the bells of the cathedral or a door slamming in the parking lot, 2 million € uro seem a bit 'too much.
Also because they are all money cervignanesi.
The Altrametà
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How To Make A Room Divider
The fact
Our City spends astonishing figures for ' electricity needed to requirements linked to the consumption of its users (offices, schools, sports facilities, lighting, etc.).. just think that the last three years, things went like this:
year 2008 was spent on the "electricity" € 392,112.65;
414,987.70 in 2009 €;
for the year 2010 (until August / September 2010): € 277,834.56.
data (officers) are derived from the sum of the invoice for the billing period and amount, in the period not yet concluded, to over 1.1 million.
For some years there are interesting government incentives for energy saving and for the production of clean energy. Among the various facilities there is also the one on the installation of photovoltaic systems, consisting of panels to transform solar energy directly into electricity without any polluting emissions. The contributions are substantial.
Yet despite this and despite the increased environmental awareness of citizens and the extraordinary opportunity offered by our legislation, our City has done little or nothing in this direction.
The proposal
Given the enormous cost burden on the municipal budget for the needs of electric and energy of our community (see above € Million ), our proposal is this: since the City Council and property owners that are well suited to the installation of systems with panels Photovoltaic power generation from renewable sources, we try to use them to produce clean energy and reduce the costs of 'municipal energy bill "
Look at the Sports Palace. It has a flat, free of over 1,500 square meters.
Now, consider the stock of municipal street from Riseris. It 's a big shed with a pitched roof in eternity.
This area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 3,500 sqm you can install about 400 kW peak. Given the exposure south-west and north-east slopes of the PV system that would help to create produce approximately 350,000 kWh per year.
value added
In the specific case (warehouse city), I get a double benefit because we would go to clean the surface completely replacing the asbestos roof (which would also allow an increase of 10% of the feed-in tariff for electricity produced by photovoltaic systems that will come into service after 31/12/2010).
The cost for the construction of that facility, including practices with the GSE, the design and incidental expenses is estimated at 1,400,000.00 Euro.
Even funding for the work you would have a full time return on investment estimated at about 10 years.
The mortgage payments would be covered almost entirely by the contribution paid by GSE against the energy produced and the municipal authority could use free energy from from the plant for their own use dramatically reducing the high costs incurred annually for the electricity bills.
future benefits
Since the contribution of twenty years after the conclusion of the amortization of the loan in the first ten years, the remaining 10 years would pure gain for the speaker municipal contributions to the net income collected and would continue to save the cost of the bill.
Specifically This proposal, signed by Rigotti and Balducci advisers, will be presented to the attention of the City Council at its next session.
Recipies Fatty Liver Des
publish the open letter sent by the parent company to the Mayor Alberto Rigotti Peter Paviotti. For some time now and urgently, the mayor calls Rigotti "not to deal with issues that do not know." Last time, on the subject on the city streets. Here is the full text Rigotti that sent the mayor ...
I do not want food controversy at low cost, but I am compelled to speak because my silence does not pass to an attitude of embarrassment, difficulty, or even worse, to surrender.
E 'for some time that Paviotti is in the City Council that the press asks me not to deal with issues which would not be aware of: "Councillor Rigotti ago and the accountant should not deal with issues that do not know. ... "(cf. Messaggero Veneto of 11/18/2010).
assertion serious and disrespectful not only to the signed, but also against those who, mayors or administrators simple, despite the obvious, natural and other professions that are in daily exercise, commit themselves with passion, dedication and continuity in political administration in the service of their communities .
by the arrows fired from Paviotti would seem that only he, surveyor by profession, will be the sole repository of knowledge to enable them to expand in every field of human knowledge preaches without embarrassment of any school, health, economy and budget planning, environment, culture, health ...
Paviotti But he insists: "Rigotti Cervignano little lives and do not know that every day long queues formed at the intersection of the round ..." (again, see Messaggero Veneto 18/11 / 2010).
It 's true: my job takes me out often Cervignano, but for this I realize the traffic that grips my town. And, in very difficult times, I formulated the proposal that the construction of roundabouts, with costs totally sustainable, would make traffic more fluid movement and less heavy. The proposal, in accordance with the rules of sound and prudent management of public resources. I remember that occasion, the wry smile of incassai Paviotti that now, after three and a half years, announced that as its own proposal.
Before the construction of huge and expensive road works, it would be appropriate to await the construction of roundabouts (five on the main Venice-Trieste) and see if they can solve the traffic problem.
Then, I confirm: my career takes me often "out of town." But as everyone knows, I do not live in policy. I earn my bread and cover with working hard (but also with invaluable satisfaction), tasks in sports (professional and amateur with the same enthusiasm), within the university, with collaborations with other mayors from the region ... I think, in all humility, to be able to put these experiences to serve the community in which, Paviotti like it or not, live, live and work.
Following these tired and repetitive utterances of the Mayor, on reflection, I found myself faced with two possible solutions: the resignation of municipal council or attendance at an evening class for the attainment of a diploma surveyor. After a brief reflection and without delay, I opted for the latter. Receive his diploma in geometry as well as become proficient in each administrative area, who knows, bring me some advantage ...
With best regards
Alberto Rigotti
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
9 Months Pregnant Stomach Sore To Touch

"... Since that act in the public street facing the property (his property, ed) was carried out with the conduct of black water (...) connected to the centralized sewage San Giorgio di Nogaro, have been carried out on wells for connection to the sewer system until the limit of property, (...) according to art. 5, c. 6 of the Drainage Regulations, it is that within 3 months (...) must be submitted in connection (...) and the completion of the connection must be made within 2 years from the issuance of the opinion (of the Laguna Wastewater Association). " In Failure to comply with specific ordinances the City Council will intervene.
is up to us, the Tubone.

But the mayor, concerned about the tone "imperative" of the letter sent by Tubone, is careful to attach a letter-to reassure the community that wants (or at least try to) the 800 cervignanesi that will dip into their portfolio. Let us see what he says: "Dear citizens I write this letter to accompany and explain the notification ..." . Dear Paviotti, notification is clear and we understood the content immediately: within 3 months must apply for connection and within two years you have to finish the work. Otherwise the City will intervene with its order. The letter of Mayor, serpentine, traces some of the stages of age-old story, cites articles of the Law, the judgments of the Supreme Court. Then in the second half of the letter, anticipates three possible questions: "By when should I do?" As we had not yet understood, explains the demand for 3 months and 2 years for the completion of the works ... otherwise it must intervene with a special order of the City. We understand. Paviotti, we understand.
But perhaps more interesting question is the third (it seems that questioning itself Paviotti): "Why should I do now?" and ventures into personal interpretations citing regulations now that would make "inescapable obligation of the connections." goes on to say (be careful, because this is a very important step): "... recall that in this regard in the past expressed support for myself I had the opportunity to not require an immediate execution (...) to avoid a substantial cost even for families. "
Think about those words " ... to avoid a significant cost for families .... "
1) If the cost was relevant then, it will be even more relevant today. O considers Mr. Mayor, that the costs are somewhat reduced over time? Or maybe it feels, the mayor, that the best time to ask this further heavy sacrifice, and today, with many families already devastated by the effects of an unprecedented economic crisis?
And now, dear readers, we salute you with a question (and answer).
know when it was removed the provision contained in legislation. 6 (one of the 258 €)? On October 2, 2009, just over a year ago. But only today Tubone sends out letters with the requirement of connection.
E Paviotti innocently asks "Why should I do now?".
Bravo, they ask us too.
The Altrametà
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Fake Community Service Hours School

Remember the million dollar expenditure for the upgrading of the car park off Federal property? Do you remember the intent to eliminate the congestion of school buses from transit Via Leonardo da Vinci (the middle school in Via Udine?). Do you remember all the proclamations of the Executive, in the aftermath of this revolution? But then, remember the history of the school to which children should always be accompanied and taken from an adult (or you hear hear-speak-of abandonment of a minor?). Well whisk it all together, heat over low heat and ... these are the results.

1) Just to improve traffic flow (as advocated by this Government), every morning the entrance to Via L. da Vinci ban with a nice fence adjoining the road closes to traffic from 7.45 to 8.15 and then from 12.45 to 13.15 (at all, even to residents). The school bus arrived at around 08.00 am, in perfect solitude, unload students in front of the entrance gate of the school. The students, down from a port ( the school) and come to school using vacuum (virtually) all corridors that are seen retractable airports. A magic number. There is no abandonment of a minor.

2) When they leave, however (at around 13.00), despite Via L. Da Vinci always remain closed (including residents), students walking along (alone!-Hear-hear) the distance that separates them from school to park in Via Public Domain. Alone. Without net and unaccompanied. But excuse me ... and the abandonment of a minor? Second magic. Some municipal office (one, actually) has assured us in that case (the guys who leave the school alone, perhaps to head for somewhere ...) you do not configure the cases of child abandonment. Commonly translated: "So we are right: after all, who cares cce?".

3) But let's move on. Once accessed via State Property, climb on the school (by themselves) begin the journey back home, but to stop, or there is someone to receive them (a parent, friend, relative, an uncle of America ...) or remains on the school bus. Recluse. Three magic? No, great hold for a ride. He, who a few minutes the first had done alone (alone !!!), unaccompanied, the distance that exists between middle school and park in via Federal property, now can not get off the school bus if there is someone waiting for him. And maybe his house is there, in front of you.
One of our observant reader who alerted us to the curious (or pity?) Each other, you and asks: "We spent a lot of money, arguing, among other reasons, public that this work would have finally solved the problem of traffic around Via Udine in connection to entry / exit students from the schools, and now ... now tell us that there is the problem of child abandonment. It was not logical to think about first? And the roads, paradoxically, is deteriorated. Congratulations.
The Altrametà
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Does Syphilischancre Become Black
Preg.mo Mayor
Mario Piscitelli Romulus
at Municipal
Piazza Municipio, 1
33059 Villa Vicentina (UD)
Preg.mo Mayor
Ennio Scridel
at Municipal
Via Gramsci, 8
Preg.mo Mayor
Palmina Mian
at Municipal
via Mosettig, 2
RUDA 33050 (UD)
Preg.mo Mayor
Michele Tibaldi
at Municipal
away June 2, 22
THIRD 33,050 of Aquileia (UD)
Preg.mo Mayor
Alviano Scarel
Town Hall
Piazza Garibaldi, 7
33051 Aquileia (UD)
Preg.mo Mayor
Giovanni Luigi Cumin
at Municipal
Independence Square, 2
33040 CAMPOLONGO Tapogliano (UD)
Preg.mo Mayor
Peter Paviotti
at Municipal
Independence Square, 1
Cervignano del Friuli, October 14, 2010 there
Preg.issimi First Citizens Association Inter Cervignanese,
let me write and discomfort to express my concern and not deny it, all my disappointment, the way the story of the building (? !) crematorium was handled and managed in particular by the Mayor of my community, geom. Peter Paviotti.
For months all we heard and understood (even the citizens of muscles that have participated in midsummer evening meeting) that the future crematorium should cost less than EUR 1 million, money that comes to about 80% from the coffers of the region and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bfrom that of common Inter-Association.
Not even 15 days ago, the city council in Cervignano del Friuli, the second surprise. Paviotti The mayor, who presented the plan to the Council for approval, he spoke of an investment of € 3 million to develop a draft project financing does not currently exist (?!??), Paviotti always says so, private stakeholders in the initiative.
The first surprise was already consumed in the days prior to the City Council, analyzing the documents by which the Administration Paviotti brought to the Council the draft of the crematorium. The documents take account of data analysis very old (at least 10 years), there is a shred of current analysis, does not take into account "relevant market", there are no numbers, in fact there is nothing that allows a public administrator to make choices in the interest and good of the community it represents. Without going into the merits of the then criteria for choosing the site ... one for all: the proximity of the hospital crematorium Palmanova (sic ?!?!).
I am writing to ask, very simply, some questions:
- the our communities really need a crematorium?
- but the crematorium will cost € 844 000 € or 3 million?
- all together when you asked for the contribution to the Region FVG imagined a crematorium to be 3 million or € 844 000 and above the Friuli Venezia Giulia and asked what was said?
- is true that there was a private agreement (with the "blessing" of the Regional Council and the then Regional Minister Travanut Mauro Franco Iacop) which provided for the construction of the crematorium in the town of San Lorenzo rivulet and the election of a new mayor of that community has meant that the construction site was located in the town of Cervignano del Friuli?
- believe that a new crematorium in Cervignano del Friuli is a good investment in the sense that economic management can not produce at least loss of balance?
And when you answer, please also listen to my heartfelt invitation. Today the crematorium is not a priority and is not supporting the initiative in terms of purely economic . I know that most of you first citizens to whom I am paying, politically you're not part of my deployment, but the more why you should appreciate and take into account that it is my appeal to you face, now that the mayor of my community is deaf to every call and runs for some time now that roads have nothing to do with the general interest of the community and its citizens.
I think all together with the Region, and this is my total commitment, we seek to address the contribution already being allocated to build the crematorium to initiatives that truly cater to our community, I decided to develop bike lanes, I think to investment in the environmental or energy improvement of public buildings, I think. ... on this you are definitely much better than me.
I know that yesterday, Thursday, as you have gathered Association Inter-Cervignanese I consider a great, intelligent and profitable way to bring together the forces for good of our fellow citizens-to discuss the draft of the crematorium. I hope you have done for the last time in that hope, and hope to shelve the project, my hope comes from the depths of my soul. Works like the crematorium, if made, are expected to remain for many decades, your and our choices sometimes fall on future generations, it is definitely a crematorium, in fact it could be, I hope the end will not be.
Thank you for your patience, for the time you spent reading this simple letter, sorry if I have caused trouble, I did only for the love of our land and our communities.
Alberto Rigotti